A River Battle

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Cece fell into the water, her dwarf friends crying out in shock near her as they too plunged into the icy river, she, however, had expected this and had held her breath. In the last few moments before the floor gave out she grabbed Bilbo by his collar and pulled him safely into her barrel, the two plummeted down, Bilbo giving a short, sharp yell. For a second they were submerged down under, the frosty water a shock to their systems. Then they resurfaced and found themselves at the back of the pack near Thorin.

"Well done master Baggins," Thorin smiled gratefully before swivelling around in his barrel and moving forward. Before she continued she took one last glance up at the elven palace. Come on Rosie.

Meanwhile, Rosie was running with Tauriel and Legolas, pushing with all her might to keep up. She was struggling to run under the weight of the bag on her back but was determined to continue. They swivelled around a corner and broke out into daylight, the sun blinded Rosie for a moment and she became aware of how long it had been since she had felt it upon her skin. An elf guard was there and Legolas called something to him, the elf nodded and sounded a horn. Shit, should not have let him do that, should not have let him do-

"Here," Tauriel said turning to her, her hand out towards Rosie.

"Pardon?" Rosie responded, confused.

"Your bag, you won't be able to fight with such a weight," She said, Rosie was reluctant but handed the bag to Tauriel who swung it onto her back as if it were nothing more than a bag of feathers. Without questioning anything more the three turned and broke out into a run towards to scene before them, each for their own reasons.

Cece watched carefully as an elven guard pulled a familiar lever down, the gate before them closing in their face. She then squeaked as she and Bilbo were battered around in their barrel. She and the hobbit managed to steady themselves as best they could, however, the fear that next struck Cece's heart was not for the same reason, an elven guard above them fell, an arrow in his back. A few seconds later an orc clambered over the gate walls, a sickening smile plastered on his face.

"Guys..." She warned and the irate dwarves paused and looked up at the gate, joining Cece in her shock. It doubled when another appeared, followed by another, and another. Soon orcs were spewing over the gate and all sides. Cece heard calling to her right and managed to lift her head in the direction to see the gruesome appearance of Bolg calling orders to his minions. The company began fighting off any and all orcs which came even slightly close, weaponless. Cece paused for a moment and looked through the mass and mayhem as Kili looked at the lever in wonder. No, no, no she thought.

"KILI!" She cried, but it was too late, Kili jumped up and out of his barrel heading towards the lever. He took on any oncoming orcs with vigour and was even more unstoppable when he got his hands on a large wooden stick that was thrown to him by Dwalin. Cece tried with all her might to get up after him, but he was too far away. Twisting her head back around she caught sight of Bolg, arming his large bow. "NO!" She cried again and pushed harder than ever before to get to the other side of the small clearing. Bolg took aim. Cece managed to get her hands on the stone floor on the other side and push herself upwards before she looked behind her. Bolg took a shot.

The spear moved quickly and fast, it was a blur of airborne wood and metal. Cece found the breath leave her body as she watched it, unable to help. Her heart beat out of her chest, her hands began to shake, her hairs stood on end. And there was a sickening crunch of wood. Cece closed her eyes and buried her face in her shoulder. How could I do this? I had one chance, one chance...

"Frankie?" Someone called. Cece looked up. Standing over an unharmed Kili who had been pushed to the side, Frankie stood high and resilient. She had her bow in her hand, almost as if she had just shot something. Cece then looked a little way ahead of her and saw Borg's spear, snapped in half, one of Frankie's arrows not too far away from it. Frankie had a fierce look in her eyes, a look of courage and pure determination. And Cece had never been happier to see her friend.

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