The Answer We've Been Waiting For

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There was small chatter going on between the group of Gandalf, Lord Elrond, Fili, Kili, Bilbo and Thorin, but they were all treading water, making small talk whilst knowing that in the next few minutes they were going to hear something rather ground-breaking. Just as the conversation was reaching its peak the door to the quite room slammed wide open and quite a frantic Frankie walked in. At first, she appeared angry but when looking closer you could see that her shoulders were shaking, and her cheeks were damp.

"We're rings," Frankie chocked out causing a slight confusion to grow in the room, "We're fucking rings,"

"Pardon?" Came Fili's soft voice, his eyebrows knitted together. Frankie was about to open her mouth once more, but her eyes grew glassy fast, and she quickly covered her mouth to hide a sob. Rosie and Cece shuffled into the room behind her, their eyes lowered, their shoulders hunched. The small group had obviously been shaken by something quite large. Rosie moved forward and pulled her friend into a tight hug, gripping onto her hair whilst she looked on at Cece who was now turning to the group, beginning the story that they had finally pieced together.

"Eighteen years ago, a portal opened up between this world and ours by pure accident. A small group of rebellious dwarves at the time had stolen seven valuable items from a handful of powerful dwarven families, and they were looking to hide them. This handful of dwarves then travelled through the portal to a land in our world called, Northern America, where they planned to distribute the valuable items.

"But, they were night they stopped in a field, and they managed to use the magic of these items to gaze into the future, they then changed course, splitting up as they did so. The valuable items were spread around our world, one man even travelled across the North Atlantic to go to England," Cece shook her head whilst Rosie shuddered, "They then left the portal, returning to middle earth. This is where they wrote this document," Cece shakily placed the document Thorin had found on the wooden table, it's slanted writing illuminated by flickers of candlelight, "From this we know that they planned to go back to earth when Sauron was defeated once and for all, and retrieve the items they had mentions that there would be a time where all of the stones would all be in one place, I don't get this part but...whatever.

"However, the group obviously didn't understand that by placing something from middle earth on earth that the universes would be pulled back together like magnets, causing the portal to open up again and for some of the items to return." Cece was shaking by the time she was done as a silence of realisation swept the room.

"My God," Rosie heard Elrond mutter under his breath, she averted her eyes and fiddled with the palm of her right hand. Everyone had seemed to realise the words that had not been spoken, but of course, Kili was still unsure

"What does this have to do with you being..." He glanced at Frankie, "Fucking rings?"

"Kili," Fili said softly turning to his brother, "What seven valuable items would a group of dwarves not want Sauron to have," Realisation dawned.

"So," Gandalf began, his soft voice rumbling from within his chest, "They embedded one of the dwarven rings of power in each of you," Rosie again glanced down, she felt dirty, maybe it was because there was something quite evil literally under her skin. "Now, I hate to say this, but there are seven rings...and three of you," Everyone in the room once more turned to the girls.

"Yes, we've um...we've noticed that," Rosie spoke up, her voice quiet but controlled. "We believe that four more people from our planet will be making their way to middle earth, soon...sooner than we think," Rosie said, the words of herself sitting in a field of wheat echoed in her ears. "But we can only deal with that once they arrive," The conversation rolled into a new topic seamlessly.

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