A Truth Revealed

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Back in Mirkwood, Tauriel and Legolas were standing with the foul orc at their feet, their king wandering around them, staring down the filth that dared to even breathe. Legolas had his blade pressed firmly against the orc's throat prepared to at any moment, rip his head from his body. Thandruil made his speech.

"...in time, all foul things come forth," He finished standing behind his son and watching carefully.

"You were tracking the company of 13 dwarves and 3 women, why?" Legolas asked, pressing his blade firmer against the orc's throat.

"Not thirteen...not anymore," He snarled, "The young one, the dark-haired archer, we stuck him with a morgal shaft," The orc continued now glaring at Tauriel who stood only paces behind. "Poisons in his blood, chocking on it soon...but that's what you get don't you," The orc continued, "When you protect pretty little things,"

"The dark-haired archer was saved," Tauriel spat at the filth, "You laid no finger on him," She growled the orc simply smiled a grim smile.

"In the water..." He said slowly and Tauriel's face harden, "Wooden barrels only do so much!" He then cried throwing his head back. Without saying anything Tauriel came in close to his face, dagger in hand, no words left her lips as she prepared to end the orcs life.

"Tauriel! Enough! Go now!" Thranduil called out in elvish. Tauriel pulled back her rage and fear tremoring through her, she gave Legolas a look before she turned and walked past him, a plan forming in her head.

Tauriel continued to walk, further and further away from the king and his son, her heart ached with the fear of the merry little dwarf lying in pain, his own body turning against him. The more and more she thought about it, the harder it was to stay in the palace walls, she needed to get out, she needed to kill something. Tauriel simply walked past the guards of the main gate, making no explanation of where or why she was going, she hoped they would understand. Thankfully, they didn't even look at her as she passed, she had known these elven guards for a long time, they would understand.

Tauriel skipped off the main path and began making her way through the trees that she knew so well, hoping beyond all hope that the dwarves hadn't got so far, she needed to help them. She took shortcuts that the prince himself had shown her many moons ago and soon found herself standing on an overlook of the lake, where not too far away Laketown could be seen. She felt a presence behind her she swivelled around and drew her bow only to become face to face with the blonde prince, bow.

"I thought you were an orc," She sighed with relief and lowered her bow.

"If I were an orc, you would already be dead," Legolas simply stated. "Father wants you back at the palace," He said as if he already knew the answer.

"I cannot go," She said sadly and turned back to the river, there was a pause from Legolas.

"Are we tracking down the company then?" He asked causing Tauriel to twist around and stare at him in shock, he gave her a knowing look. "I know your heart Tauriel...and I know where it lies," He said sadly, but the idea of seeing the small girl again made him feel better.

"I only wish to save the dwarf," She said.

"Is that all?" Legolas said suggestively and Tauriel felt heat rise in her cheeks.

"Let's go," She simply muttered and moved forward. Legolas nodded and followed her, turning his back on his father's orders.

Meanwhile, back in Laketown, Kili was doing his best to cover up the fact that an orc arrow had pierced his side. It was only a small nick and should have healed within a few days, but the wound grew black and blue and appeared to be infected. He knew he should speak up about it, but the girls had made such a big deal about getting hit that he was afraid it would make him seem weak. Because of this, he had taken to caring for the wound himself whilst avoiding the three girls and the rest of the company. However, he soon realized that he could not hide from them forever when Frankie came knocking on his door.

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