Chapter 2

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Day One

Your pov

"What are we doing today babe?" my girlfriend asked me . "Where we are going , only I can know." I wink . "Aw , no fair . Just tell me." Camila whines .

"No can do babe." I chuckle .

Camila pouts and I just laugh . "Not this time . You can't make me." I say playfully . "Okay fine , when are the girls getting here then?" Camila asks . "In a few." I reply . "That doesn't answer the question in detail." Camila crosses her arm .

"But it satisfies your curiosity , no?" I smirk . "Alright , fair game." Camila raises her hands and goes into our bedroom . Yes , we do live together now . So we share the same bedroom of course .

"Briggan boy , come here." I call my furry companion .

"Good boy , now I need you to go and make sure no one is near or evenbl close to our house . Got it?" I ask and the big dog nods . "Great , I'm going to go and change." I pat his head before entering me and Camila's room .

I quickly take a look outside the window to see Briggan checking around . I walk to the closet and take out my favourite black and white hoodie and ripped jeans . "Aw , I missed the show." Camila says from behind me .

I turn to see Camila out of the bathroon door , a towel wrapped around her .

"What show?" I ask , not completely understanding her . "Your show." Camila pouts . I laugh , knowing what she meant . "You peeper , I thought you knew better." I laugh . "Sorry baby , but you changed me." Camila winks at me .

I roll my eyes at her playfully when I heard the doorbell .

I walk downstairs then to the front door and open it to see the girls . "Hey girls." I greet . "Hey , you two better be too." Dinah says , eyeing me suspiciously . "Okay good , we'll wait in the car." Dinah says happily before skipping into the van along with the girls .

"Babe ! The girls are here!" I call my girlfriend . "Come on , bud . Lets go."  I pat Briggan's head . Camila comes running down while I pick up our things . We get out of the house and lock the door then enter the van .

Me , Briggan and Mila were sitting in the backseat , Lauren was driving , Ally was in the passenger seat , Dinah and Mani in front of us in the middle .

The drive was mostly filled to off pitch singing and laughter . Memory sharing and fun times .

Why must you expose me now ? I say internally .

So far , I haven't got a single lead on who done it . I don't suspect the girls but I keep my guard up . Its just one of those things that I can't put my finger on .

"Babe?" my girlfriend called me out of my thoughts .

"Yeah?" I reply . "We're here and don't worry , okay?" Camila puts a hand on mine , assuring me . "Y-Yeah . You're right." I smile proudly . "And don't let me ruin your modd girls if I space out." I remind . "Then we'll make sure to snap you out of it." Dinah fires back . What would I do without these girls ? I ask myself .

"Real nice place babe." Camila whispers into my ear .

For today , me and the girl will be spending our day at a rainforest . Not the best but good enough for me . "Even the air is clean." Mani breaths in the air . "Why ? Is the city air bad for you?" I question . "Mostly , you only get this kind of air after it rains but here , its clean like always." Mani says .

"Well lets go then." I say , leading the way .

Me and Briggan already mapped out a path and a few of the wolves from our pack to guard the area . Then , I heard Ally screech . "What happened?" I ask , stopping and turning around . "I highly dislike spiders." Ally says .

"Really ? Okay then , just don't worry . They don't bite . I think." I whisper the last part and continue our walk .

"Mani , theres a spider web." I hear Ally say . "Do you see that ? The leaf is moving by itself ... AH." Ally screams . She starts running and ends up in front of all of us . "Slow down Als." I call . "Sorry , just please please please hurry." Ally rushes . All the girls laugh at her expression while Ally just pouts .

"Its alright Als . I'm sure all the girls are scared of them too." I say . "No we aren't." Lauren protests . "Oh really?" I say . I look around to find a spider .

I spotted one and picked it up . "Sorry little guy." I whisper before showing it to the girls . "Here." I smile , putting in one my hand . "Touch it." I dare . All of them shake their heads and back away . "Come on , its real cute." I say and try put it on Mani who starts screaming . After I had enough , I put the arachnid back down and continue our walk .

"Not scared of spider ay?" I tease .

"It was big okay." Mani says in defense . "Oh come on , it was smaller than your high heels." I protest . "Ladies , ladies , your both pretty . Can we go now?" Lauren intervenes .

I nod and walk ahead of everyone . "Almost there." I announce . A few more steps and were already there . "Here we are . Climb up." I gesture to the staircase beside me .

It was a tree house picnic . I made this back when I lived in the forest but I totally forgot about it . It was for when I wanted to eat but there were to many other predators on the ground so I would bring it up here . "This is sick." Lauren says , going up .

"Did it take long?" Dinah asked

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"Did it take long?" Dinah asked . "Yeah , it really did . But it was worth it." I say proudly .

"Really is babe." Camila says , kissing my cheek . I follow behind the girls , Briggan trailing close behing . "Now this is top class." Ally looks at the scenery . "Looks like something straight out of a movie or book." Lauren adds .

"Wheres the food?" Mani asks as soon as we settle down . "Inside , let me get it." I say before going in and taking the basket of food . "I'll get the drinks." Ally says following me .

I come back outside to see all the girls taking pictures . I smile and place the basket on the table and take out all the food . Chicken wings , deer meat , fruits , bread and salad . "Heres the water." Ally says . "Thanks Allycat." I thank .

We all start eating , talking , laughing and remembering .

I already finished my food along with Mila so now we were admiring the view . "This has been great." Mila whispers .

"Yeah , I really don't want to leave ya'll." I look down sadly . "Hey , we understand . Just don't leave me , okay?" Camila says . "Never."

Sorry it took so long . I had to just make it good . Is it ? I don't know . Tell me ! See ya !!

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