Chapter 8

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Your pov

The girls come back with food and we all watch movies , munching down on what they bought .

"Damn you heroes." I throw my chips at the screen . We were watching Death Note and Light Yagami had just died .

"He was a serial killer." Ally points out . "And Near is a cheater." I mumble and get hit in the back of the head . "What?" I rub my head . "He was cute." Lauren reasons . "Yeah , I agree but when you know the real truth , you'll hate them." I say . "What did you watch?" Normani asks . "Theories on Death Note." I whisper . "Weirdo." Dinah says and I pout .

"Hey , she's me weirdo." Mila hugs me and I smile .

"Hey , Y/n what time do you go?" Mani asks . "Around 12." I shrug . "I really don't want to go." I whisper . "Then stay." Dinah says . "I can't . You gir-" I got cut off my Lauren . "Y/n ! Stop trying to save us all the time . ! We can take ourselves ! You can too but let us help!" Lauren exclaims and I looks down ashamed .

"You don't understand." I mumble . "What do we not understand ? Then let us understand then." Laure  stands up . Briggan stands up and growls at the Cuban . "I-I." I stutter , feeling for once nervous .

"Do you just want to avoid us ? Do you not trust us?" Lauren says . "Lauren!" Ally says . "I do." I exclaim , standing up . "If you do , why don't you stay and let us help." Lauren says . "I'm a danger to all off you." I say . "If you are , maybe we shouldn't be friends with you ! Then we wouldn't have to deal with you!" Lauren screams .

My eyes widen as I felt my heart crack a bit .

Lauren realized what she said and covered her mouth . "Lauren!" the girls yell . "Y/n , I di-" she started but I cut her off . "I'm sorry you feel that way." I whisper and walk upstairs to me and Mila's shared room . I get in and slide down the door . I grip my hair and punch the wall , making a small hole . My hands were aching and most probably bleeding but I didn't care .

I stood up and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror . I don't know what people see in me . All I see is a big screw up .

I punch the mirror and fall to my knees , sobbing .

"Y/n?" I hear a soft voice . I don't look up and stare blankly at the floor . I felt a pair of arms wrap around me  . "Are you sure this is want you want?" I chuckle painfully . "A big screw up to the world?" I say . "Yes , I do . All of it." she whispers in my ear . I look up at meet her adoring gaze .

"I love you." she says . "I love you too." I whisper .

She helps me stand up and sits me down on the bed and patches up my knuckles . She hugs me and stroke my hair . I felt my eyes grow heavy and I sleep in her warm embrace .

*Next Day*

I really couldn't shake the memory of what Lauren said . I know she said that in the heat of the moment but it still hurt . Maybe they did want me to leave ?

I let out a long sigh as I packed up the last of my things . I really didn't want to leave , but if I don't . Who knows ?

"I'll miss you." I hear a voice say behind me . I turn to look at Camila and smile sadly . "I will too." I engulf the shorter girl in a hug . "I-I'll see you in two weeks?" she whispers and I smile . "Yeah." I lie . Yes , I didn't tell them . I didn't have the guts to . I hope Ally doesn't forget .

I swear if she does , I'm go-

"Y/n?" Camila called me out of my thoughts . "Yeah?" I say . "The , uh , taxi is here." she says and I sigh again . "You tried to not tell me so I would miss it , didn't you?" I raise my eyebrow . "Yeah." she admits . "Its okay . I would've done the same . Probably murder the driver if I had too." I joke and she laughs . I'll miss that laugh

I pick up my suitcase and backpack and go out . "Briggs , we got to go." I yell and the wolf comes running .

The girls , Bebe and Dua were in front my house . "I'll miss you guys." I sniffle a bit and hug them . They all join in and it turns into a group hug .

We all pull away and I rub my eyes . "I'll see you all in awhile , okay?" I say . The driver picks up my stuff and puts in the truck and I get in . "Bye!" they all wave and I wave back .

Once they were all out of sight , I relax onto into the seat . The drive was about thirty minutes and I arrive at the airport . I go a seperate lane to where my private jet was and board it .

"Ready Ms Y/l/n?" my pilot , Brooke asks and I nod . "Just call me Y/n." I smile and he smiles too . The engine starts and we take off .

Ally's pov

Once the taxi left , all the girls went back inside .

"Why would you say that , Lo?" Dinah asks . "I-I don't know . It was i-in the heat of the moment." Lauren says , ashamed . "Its okay Lo . Just make sure to apologize when she comes back in two weeks." Dua says .

"I will , and I'm sorry . I thought you and Bebe would have chased me to Jupiter or something." Lauren admits . "I would but everyone deserves a second chance right?" Bebe says and we all laugh .

"Well , me and B got to go . We have a shoot , see you girls later." Dua says and goes out with Bebe while we wave goodbye .

"This is going to be the longest two weeks ever." Camila sighs .

I then felt like I was supposed to say something . What was it ? Oh yeah .

"Girls , I need to tell ya'll something." I say and they all look at me . "What is it Als?" Mani asks . "She doesn't know when she'll come back." I whisper . "What ? Why?" Camila says , confused .

"She said sh might never come back of the mystery exposer doesn't come back." I explain . "Then we'll have to help her." Lauren says and we all nod .

This is for you , Y/n

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile . I just came back from a trip . Sorry and see ya !!

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