Chapter 16

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Your pov

I was walking around the city with my hands in my pockets and Briggan by my side .

While I was investigating , Briggan kept on barking at me . Meaning he was telling me to have some time off , relax for a bit . We were looking for a place to eat , more specifically anywhere that has meat . We stopped by a restaurant beside McDonalds , because you can find that everywhere , and ordered our food .

Me and Briggan ordered the same thing but I got him a bowl of water while I had a cup of hot chocolate . I was calmly enjoying my drink when my phone started buzzing uncontrolably . I fished for my phone and opened it to see a bunch of notifications from Twitter . Another video . From the exposer .

I clicked on the video and watched intently . "No one has a wolf companion , and no human could . They are our predators , we are their prey . How can they work ? Because , she isn't the prey." the voice says . Bebe . I groaned frustratedly and looked at all the tweets .

@sundaebae3927 : Oh shoot yeah

@hayhayley34 : Leave her alone guys , if you were true fans of Y/n , you wouldn't believe it

@under_score5 : Yeah , but it was Bebe , Y/n's true friend who said that

@Bebe_Rexha : I would never expose Y/n for something that is true or not . Whoever is spreading these rumors should stop , because it is not helping anyone

I felt a bit relieved that Bebe cleared that out for me but there is no doubt they will come for me again . Its a never ending wave .

"Gosh , I sound like those thoughtful vampires from Twilight." I mumble . I finish my plate of food and pay the check . Me and Briggan were on the way to the hotel when a small crowd of fans greeted us . They were really kind . They asked if I was okay and asked if they could take pictures with me . Ofcourse I said yes .

"정말 고맙습니다!" they yelled and I smiled and waved .

Back at the hotel , I laid down on the couch . I felt my throat was really dry but I didn't have any water at the ready . I groaned loudly and asked Briggan to do it . The wolf comes by and gives me a bottle of water , but it had a bit of saliva on it . "Nice payback bud." I say sarcastically and wipe it on his fur .

I start drinking almost the entire bottle of water and lay down . I would sleep but I would have to go through my nightmares . I sighed and got up and sat down at the small office desk in corner . I opened my laptop and saved the latest video recording from my exposer . Even the name I call them is makes me paranoid I say to myself . I took out my phone and looked for the contact that messaged me a few days ago .

I type in their number and a few other codes to the some more details .

Name : Classified

Age : Classified

Number : 134-55-9786

Phone : iPhone 8

"Wow , this person means bussiness . They bought an iPhone 8 just to text me." I say to myself , laughing a bit . I tried to hack the system to reveal the users name but came no avail . I didn't give up though , I tried again and again .

Letters , numbers , all of them seemed like complete giberish to people but it made sense to me . I was on the last few codes that I knew I could use but the sixteenth one I used did something . It didn't have a name but the words changed .

Name : 29_bduA-916G820

Age : 0nidb_-jw97

"Not really much of a help." I whisper , unsatisfied . I tried the last few but again , nothing happened . I eventually gave up and started listening to some music . I had my headphones listening to music while playing some free video games on my laptop . "God , how do you do this?" I curse under my breath . "No wonder it was a free game." I say and click out of the screen .

I was listening to On & On by Cartoons , featuring Daniel Levi while I had my journal in hand , doodling on an empty page . I looked for any colour pensel but I didn't have any so I just used my red pen . Finishing up the last tiny details , I looked at the picture with a satisfied look .

 Finishing up the last tiny details , I looked at the picture with a satisfied look

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A/N Creds to whoever drew this

I smiled at the picture and remembered that I needed a cover for my next album .

I clicked on the art page on my laptop and started making a cover . I had to use a mouse because using the touchpad to draw is just to hard and difficult . I spent what felt like hours on trying to think of a good concept and how to portray whats on my mind to what I am about to draw . I drew the last of the waves and looked at the art and smiled . "Great." I sigh in content .

I was proud of it and saved it in my files

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I was proud of it and saved it in my files . "I guess I'll have to show it to Scooter tomorrow , its late." I say and look at Briggan who was falling asleep . Like I've said before , I try to avoid sleep but my brain practically screamed at me ' If you stay awake , I will not hesitate to turn all you're organs against you ' . Which meant I will probably pass out , that was the least of my worries .

I was mostly worried about what my nightmare will be tonight . I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth . I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed . Messy hair , bags under my eyes and a dull look in my silver eyes . I looked like my life was drained out of me , which looked like it did happen .

I wash my face in attempt to fix my look a little but it didn't do much . With a loud sigh , I go and plop down onto the the bed and feel sleep takeover me .

I will admit clues have already been given out and stuff in these few chapters . And we're not even halfway there yet . Again , tell me who you think it is ! See ya !!

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