Bad Ending

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Camila's pov

The sound of the heart monitor beeping at a normal pace , the quiet silence and the soft breathing coming from my fianceè .

"Don't give me that look." Y/n croaked out .

We all look at her , giving her sad smiles all around . "We just don't want you to go." I speak up .

"I said don't." Y/n chuckled before she started coughing .

I helped her sit up straight and settled down back on my chair beside her .

"I wish you could live longer." I say openly . "I do to , but I'm an Omega . We fall out early remember?" Y/n tries to say .

"I'm sorry." Y/n admitted , looking down at her hands .

"I should've let you go so you wouldn't have to deal with me." Y/n continued . "I'm suprised ya'll haven't left." she laughed painfully .

"Nonsense." Ally said .

"You've done so much for us and you think we're just going to leave you like that?" Ally says . Y/n shrugs , giving no real response .

"And I've caused ya'll so much trouble." Y/n says with a weak smile .

"Y/n , please . Baby , don't say that." I intertwine my fingers with hers . "Okay . Okay , okay okay." Y/n repeats .

"As long as you girls stop giving me sympathetic looks . Lets just , remember the good times." Y/n husked out .

"O-Okay." I stammered . "Oh ! Um , how about that time Dinah tried to prank you but you scared us?" Normani says and Y/n flashes a smile . "That was great." Y/n says . "Still haven't told me you're secret." Dinah mumbles making us all burst out laughing .

"How about that time Y/n got drunk on apple and grape juice?" Ally says . "Aw Ally , don't say that . You're just hiding you're past of bad drinking experiences." Normani says and Ally turns red .

"How about that amazing bus from you're first tour?" Dinah says and day dreams .

Y/n starts laughing .

A genuine smile ever since she was admitted to the hospital .

The thought makes me stop laughing . Soon , the laughter dies down and we all stay silent .

"Remembering these memories , is really the only way I would want to die." Y/n says weakly .

Her breathing becomes shallow , her eyes almost closed .

I grip her hand , trying to keep her awake .

"Y/n , p-please don't say that . S-Stay with me." I sob out . Y/n looks at me with sad eyes .

"Camila , baby , my love . Don't do this okay ? If I die , don't you dare mourn me . I want you to be happy." Y/n says . "How can I be happy with you gone?" I cry out , letting the tears fall .

"I know you can . Just , don't forget me alright?" Y/n says and I nod hesitantly .

"I love you." Y/n says slowly .

"I love you too." I reply .

"Awesome." Y/n says softly before her eyes close comepletely and the line goes flat .

I hear the girls cry behind me but I keep still .

I cry silently as I grip onto Y/n's hand .

"I love you , my love." I whisper .


Y/n's funeral was something I hoped to never attend in my life .

Y/n .

My heart clenches at the thought of her .

I've tried keeping strong but its just so difficult with my only love gone . The casket lowers into the dirt and I hear Briggan barking out .

He's been a mess .

No longer the spunky wolf jumping around with his partner . He just walks around , occasionally eating .

But hes a good help for me . Hes been taking care of me despite his own depressed state . No dount Y/n told him to take care of me when shes gone .

Aunt Grace on the other hand hasn't been able to pick herself up .

We heard from Louis that the two talked when Y/n was in the hospital and that Y/n forgave her .

But I guess the loss of her niece still took a huge toll on her .

I was so deep in thought I didn't notice I was called for a speech until Lauren nudged me .

I shuffled over to the stand and clear my throat .

"I didn't really prepare anything." I say slowly .

"In fact , I didn't prepare for any of this . Losing her or anything." I look at her casket in the ground .

"I guess all I have to say is that I'm greatful . Greatful for the chance I had with her." I look at the ring on my finger .

"I don't think I will ever move on . But I won't mop around either . I promised her I would be happy , just I won't move on I guess." I say , a few tears falling .

"And I think I can say for all of us , we miss you Y/n . We love you . I love you." I say and walk back to my seat .

I wobbly over to my seat only to be caught by Lauren before falling to the dirt .


One by one , everyone left .

Y/n's casket was now under the dirt , a tombstone now placed .

"Mila ? You coming?" Ally calls .

"Just give me a minute." I mutter and she nods before heading to the car .

I kneel in front of her tombstone , a shaky breath escapes my lips .

"I hope you don't mind." I whisper . I feel Briggan's fur brush against my forearm and I look up to see Y/n's army tag in his teeth .

I look at him for confirmation and I take it and put it around my neck .

I stand up , trying to fix up the broken pieces of my heart .

"Bye Y/n . Until next time." I say one last time before going .

Feeling her watch over me .


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