Chapter 3

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Day Two

Your pov

"Baby , please wake up for me!" Camila whines , jumping on the bed .

"Sorry love , but I'm beat." I husk . "But I'm hungry." the Latina pouts . "Eat something in the meantime." I say . "I can't . Theres no breakfast ready on the menu nor are you." Camila says .

"What?" I say , laughing . "I-I , uhh . Y-You see." Camila stutters . "Don't worry love . I'll go make breakfast then." I stand up .

Groggily , I go downstairs to the kitchen .

I grab all the ingredients from the fridge and put then on the marble counter-top . "Whats on the menu?" Camila asks , hugging me from behind . "Waffles and eggs . Not me." I say . "Aw , boo." Camila pouts . "Okay love birds , keep it PG . And Y/n make us breakfast." Lauren yawns , descending the stairs . The girls practically tumbling down behind her .

"I didn't . It was all her." I raise my hands in defense . All the girls look at us with the ' really ' face and we just laughed .

"Don't ' it wasn't me ' me . I thought you had my back?" Camila pouted . "Forever and always." I smiled . "Actually I prefer PG more then forever loneliness . So , we'll leave." Dinah says before pushing everyone out the kitchen , leaving me and Camila alone .

"Nice job of trying to take all the food away from them." I chuckle , putting all the waffles and eggs on the plates . "Aw , what gave it away?" Camila says . "The fact that I've been with you for almost three years?" I say sassily . Camila then comes closer and pecks my lips . "The best three years off my life." she says before pulling away . I smile and make one more extra waffle for Camila then serving the girls food .

"Hey , why does Mila get extra?" Mani pouts .

"I have VVIP." Camila smirks . "What is VVIP?" Lauren looks at Mila . "Very vert important people." Camila says . "No fair." Dinah says , taking a bite out of her waffle . "Wow , perks of having a girlfriend thats also a cook." Ally says . "Don't worry Als . You'll have someone to cook for." I say .

"Can I cook with you?" Ally asks . "We do all the time." I chuckle . "Than cook with and for?" Ally asks again . "No problem." I say .

"Seriously ? Besides Lauren , Ally's always stealing my girl . Scratch that , all of you girls are." Camila whines . I go over and hug Mila from behind . "Its just all friendly babe . You know I'll always be yours." I whisper into her ear .

"You better be." Camila said and I nodded before I went to the living room .

Briggan was already there so I sat beside him and flicked through the channels . I eventually stopped on a channel that was showing HollyScope . It was about the girls .

"Dinah , Lauren , Ally , Normini and Camill-" I changed the channel , already cringing at their pronunciation of the girl's names . "Seriously , they can never say it right." Lauren huffs , taking a seat beside me . "Here , Y/n your British . How about you try say our names." Dinah suggests . "Uh , yeah sure." I clear my throat .

"Dinah , Normani , Lauren , Ally and Camila." I say in my British accent .

"See ? That was great . How can they not get it?" Dinah waves her arms . "Maybe their just real British?" I say . "Okay , saying that doesn't make sense." I mumble . "It doesn't have too , babe." Camila speaks up and sits on my lap .

"Hey guys , its Chelsea Briggs and welcome to HollyWire Hot Minute." the TV shows . "So , rumors have been going around that worldwide popstar , Y/n Y/l/n is a hybrid ? Now , most of the time fans would say that crazy but the person who said it seems to be a believable source . When fans asked the person , they answered . Heres the clip." Chelsea says before it switches to a dark screen .

"She is a hybrid and I know it . She is the reason why Shawn and Damien are in jail." I was stunned . So were all the other girls . Not because of the statement the figure made . It was its voice . Or their voice .

The girls .

They sounded like all the girls talking together . I look at the girls for a moment before averting my gaze back to the TV . "Real creepy right ? Apparently , the person had a voice switcher on . We have no idea who he or she is but we must keep on supporting her . Thats all , see you next time." and with that the show ended .

"H-How can that be?" Ally stutters .

"I don't know but I'm going to ask ya'll something . Not because I suspect you but because I need confirmation . Did any of you spill?" I ask and they all shook their heads . I whistle for Briggan and we both take turns staring into their eyes to see and hint of lie in there . But they were clean .

"Okay good . Thanks , makes me real relieved." I lean further into the couch .

And just for extra confirmation I need to do one more thing . "Its great to have you girls . I trust you all the most . I swear." I say sincerely . As I said that , I look around to see if any of them looked guilty . But they all looked glad . So thats out of the way . Or maybe their acting it . I guess I'll never know .

"So , now what?" Normani says . "I guess binge watching movies?" I suggest and they all shrug and nod .

We put in the movie Wonder Woman and play that . But there were commersials and trailers first . "Ugh , this is so boring." Lauren groans . "In a world where cellphones are not a thing." I say in a movie voice . "How will , Normano , Diego , Alpha , Ralph and Camillio survive?" I finish making all the girls laugh .

"Is that our names but for boys?" Camila asks . "Yep." I say , popping the p . The movie starts and we all keep quiet and watch .

An hour passed or two and it was already the ending . Steve Trevir died and we were all sobbing . The credits rolled and we wiped our tears . "That was to much." Ally says .

"Nope , cause be prepared." I smirk , holding up a CD of Dunkirk . The girls all groan and I just laugh .

Yeah , it was pretty boring . But more action comes in the future my friends . See ya !!

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