Chapter 4

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Day Three

Your pov

I woke about an hour ago and it was 6 right now meaning I woke up at 5 .

I felt a bit restless tonight . The clip from yesterday kept on haunting me . Questions spun around in my head . Who could it be ? Is it one of the girls ? Who can I trust ?

Overwhelmed by my own thoughts , I put on a pair of running shoes and decided to go for a jog . I invited Briggan but he was to deep in his sleep to even wake up .

I exit the front door and start jogging . The air was really cool and the sun is not even out . Few people were already out doing their own thing or even jogging but they caused no harm or disturbance .

I was on my last run when paparazzi started to come at me .

I stopped to take a break and thought 'why not?' . Then the questions came rolling in .

"Y/n , how are you and Camila?" one man asks . "Great actually." I flash a smile . "Are you going to put a ring on it?" another asks . "Yeah , hopefully." I smirk . "Have you ever cheated on her?" a woman asks , holding a microphone . "No never." I say , my silver eyes showing one hundred percent certainty .

"How about you being a hybrid?" this time a fan asked

"I , uh . I really don't know where that came from but no." I lie . I start walking away but they keep following . I started to run but they kept running . Now I was terrified .

I glance back just for a second to see fans and paparazzi chasing after me .

Before I know it , I was tackled to the ground . I tried to get up but a heavy weight was on me . I felt sharp nails dig deep into my skin and I hiss in pain . Ten fingers with sharp nails scratch my back . Thats definately going to leave a mark I thought .

This went on for atleast ten minutes of me begging them to stop and failed struggles of trying to break free .

I mustered enough strength and push myself up . I free myself from their grasp and start running back . It was 8 in the morning . I suppose the girls were already awake so I have some more questions to answer .

Upon opening the front door , I saw the girls all in the living room .

"Hey." I greet , getting the attention of the girls . "Hey." they greet back . Camila stands up and comes to me . "Where were you ? I didn't see your face when I woke up." Camila pouted . "I went for a run babe . No worries." I assure her .

The Cuban shrugs and gives me a koala hug but as soon as I felt her hands touch the scratches on my back , I hiss in pain .

"Jeez , you okay babe?" Camila looks at me worriedly . "I , uh . Yeah , I think so." I scratch the back of my neck . "Turn around." Camila says sternly . I sigh in defeat and spun around for Camila and the girls to see my half exposed back .

I hear Camila gasp and start examining my back .

I crane my neck to see the damage and my eyes widen . I didn't know it'll be that bad I thought . Long scratch marks , bleeding and tears in my shirt . "Ally ! Can you give me the medical kit!" Camila yells . Soon enough , Ally comes in and hands it to my girlfriend . "Why ? Did someth- Oh my gosh Y/n , what happened to you?" Ally exclaims .

I hear thr sound of more footsteps so I assume the other girls must've heard .

"I , went jogging . Then some paparazzi came and asked the usual questions." I say casually , acting as if I had not just been assaulted . "And?" Lauren asks . "A fan asked if I was a , you know . So I ran but they followed me then tackled me and they clawed me." I explaim further .

Ally applies rubbing alchohol to my back and I hiss in pain .

"Your a werewolf . Why didn't you just fight back?" Dinah points out . "I don't know if you know this , but seven v one is almost impossible . And if I use my strength I might as well be Superman exposed." I say and they nod .

"There , that should do it . Y/n , I suggest you rest." Ally said in her usual motherly tone . "Yes Mama Alls." I say and quickly plop down on the couch . "Not even in the day fully yet and I'm already busted." I mumble .

"You doing okay their babe?" Camila whispers , sitting beside me .

"I'm holding out but you're here now so its better." I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck . "So Midnight , what else do you got for us instore today?" Camila asks . "What?" I ask playing dumb . "You s-said-" Camila stutters but I cut her off . "I'm joking baby." I kiss her nose .

"So what are we doing today?" Dinah appears out of nowhere . "We , are going to my favourite place in the world." I smile . "The cave?" Mani says . I shake my head . "I don't only have one special place you know?" I say sassily . "Where is this special place then?" Ally asks . "The sea." I smirk . "The sea?!" the girls yell and I nod .

"So you're going to strand us on a raft in the middle of the ocean?" Lauren raised an eyebrow .

"Nope , we're going on a boat to a raft to speedboat." I announce . "Come again?" Ally says . "We take a boat to this place . Its not like a raft , its more of a little man-made island where you cam ride speedboats." I say . The girls cheer . "Now , lets start getting ready. We leave in an hour." I tell them and they all went their seperate ways to pack and get ready .

I hold out my hand for Camila and she takes it . I drag her upstairs into our room and get ready for the rest of the day .

This day will be split into two parts . Maybe even the rest but I'll see in the future . See ya !!

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