Chapter 20

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Your pov

"Louis!" I say and get up to hug him . "What are you doing here ? I haven't seen you since the accident." I say .

"I'm here touring with the boys , and we're on break right now so I'd thought that I'd walk around the park and I spotted you." he says and I chuckle . "I heard about the rumors , try not to let it get to you're head." he pats my back . "Its really not that easy." I sigh . "I've never experienced it but I know it is." he comforts and I laugh at him .

"Its been real long since we last hung out , want to?" he asks . "Sure , why not . I don't have anyone else to socialize with besides Briggan." I say . "Oh yeah , how is he?" he asks . "He's good , he's good." I say , looking at him walking beside me . "How are you?" he asks , quirking up an eyebrow . "To be honest ? Horrible , utterly horrible . I thought I already knew who it was but , guess what ? He is in prison ! Which is a huge problem in my theory . My nightmares have been getting worst , the girls know about it and I'm paranoid , Louis . I'm paranoid." I rant .

"About what?" he questions . "Paranoid about who I can trust , who I can't . Even the girls are now suddenly in my list . I don't even know if I can trust you." I say pointing my finger at him .

"Woah , calm down . For starters , you can trust me." he says and I stare at him before nodding . "And second , take deep breaths." he advices and I breath in and out slowly . "Good , okay . Now explain it , slowly." he says . "I'm paranoid . Confused ? Its hard to explain." I sigh . "What is ? Maybe I can help?" he suggests . "For so long I knew I could trust my friends . And I did , but why now must my trust for them decay?" I whisper .

"Its all a test really . To see if you trust them . Sure , the exposer has bad intentiona but if you look at it from a good perspective , it could make you're trust for them stronger . And if they betray you , thats going to hurt ofcourse , but now you know who to not trust." he says . "Who are you and what have you done to Louis?" I joke .

He rolls my eyes at me and continues walking . "Wait , where are we going?" I ask . "To me and the boys hotel . Why ? You get uncomfortable around boys?" he smirks at me . "Oh yeah , One Direction ! I'm a huge fan ! I can't believe this is happening!" I squeal running around like a little girl . "Who are you and what have you done with Y/n?" he says , using my words from earlier . "Tòuche." I say and smack his arm . We share some other funny jokes and joke around on the way to the hotel which I really needed . Just a little joy in my life .

As we were almost there , the rest of the 1D boys called Louis to buy food so we had to turn around and get food from the restaurant we passed . "The line here is long." I say to him , looking ahead of us . "Yeah , but the food here is great." he says and I sigh . "Well , I can't argue with great food." I say and he smiles . 

One by one the line shortened and it was almost our turn . Some fans did approach us asking for signatures and pictures in Korean which I had to translate for Louis since he didn't know . "Next!" the employee yells and we step ahead . We ordered the food and sat down at a seat by the window while we wait for the food . "So , hows you're day been?" Louis asks me , breaking me out off my thoughts . "Are you tryin to spark up a conversation?" I chuckle and he nods . "Well , to answer you're question . Its been a good morning so far." I flash a smile . Despite having a headache in the morning I say to myself . 

"Order 412!" the guy yells and we stood up , got our food ,  paid then left . "And here we are." Louis says , going inside the huge hotel building . We head to the elevators and go to the boys hotel room level . The elevator door dinged before opening . "Which room?" I ask him . "4391." he says and I loo for the room . 

"Here it is."

Louis swipes the keycard and opens the door to reveal the other boys of One Direction . "Hey guys." I greet . "Hey Y/n!" the greet in sync . "Nice to see you too , we got food." Louis says putting the food on the dining table . The room was pretty big , seeing as you have to fit five boys . "How are you Y/n?" Niall asks me and I smile . "Pretty good." I tell him . "The girls?" Zayn asks . "They're good too." I say . "Why?" I asl him . "Cause last time they called me , yelling at me asking where you and Louis were." he says and I chuckle . "They called you?" I stifle a laugh . "Yeah , and now he is terrified of ever taking to them." Harry teases and Zayn hits the back of his head .

"They can be scary , but they can also be really goofy and good friends." I say smiling . "Good for you." Harry says . "Anyways , lets eat!" Louis claps and we cheer .

Hallo there , people of planet Earth . I know what you're thinking , its been really boring . But I have to make it like this . Place in the clues , make the build up but I promise you the drama is coming . I know ya'll live for it . See ya !!

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