Chapter 38

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Camila's pov

"What was that!" I exclaim after recovering from my previous shocked state .

"You basically said we weren't her friends!" I continue . "I-I'm sorry . I-It b-blurted out." Lauren said .

"No , I'm sorry for yelling and not saying anything . Its just , we have to help her." I sigh .

"We really are sorry Mila , we're trying." Ally apologizes . "Then we've got to try harder." I say . "Look , I'm going to call he-" I was quickly cut off by Dinah speaking .

"Is it true?" Dinah asks and I raise my eyebrow . "What is true?" I ask . "That she doesn't trust us." Dinah explains and I give her a confused expression . "Quote ' Everytime you tell me I can trust you girls , you give me a reason not too ' . Does that ring a bell?" Dinah says .

"U-Uh , I don't r-really know." I stutter our and slap myself internally .

"Cut the act Mila ! She doesn't trust us does she?" Dinah yells , her tone startling me .

"S-She said she was having mixed emotions." I whimpered . Dinah must have noticed my current state and apoligized multiple times . "I am so sorry Chancho , its just that I-I-" I quickly cut her off .

"Its okay CheeChee . I understand . Sorry I never told you girls." I look down ashamed .

"Its alright . We all are sorry aswell." Normani comforts . "Now we have to apologize and settle things with Y/n." Lauren said and the rest of the girls agree .

"No." I simply say and they all look at me like I'm crazy .

"No ? What do you mean no?" Dinah asks . "I thought you wanted t-" before Ally could finish I spoke up .

"I know what I said , but I think she needs some space for now . Soon  she will open up to us to see who she trusts and we will support her no matter who she says." I say .

"Fine by me , but if she trusts either Sherwin or that other guy , no promises." Dinah says and we all laugh .

"Okay , here how about I call her?" I suggest .

"What about her ' space '?" Lauren makes air quotations with her fingers .

"I don't want to be harsh or seem like a hypocrite but I think we all need to give her some space after we check on her." I say and they all give me that look that screams their uncertain .

"I promise I'll tell you all what she says but please keep quiet , we don't want her feeling more suspicious do we?" I raise my eyebrow and they all shake their heads rapidly .

I take my phone and look for her number .

I hover my finger over her contact and sigh . "Here we go."

Your pov

I was half asleep when my phone started ringing .

I groggily picked up my phone and answered it , not even bothering to see who was calling .

"Hello?" I croaked . I internally cringed at how I sounded . "Bad timing?" a soft voice says .

"No just falling asleep." I yawned . "Sorry , just wanted to check up on you." she said and I hummes in response .

"And about the girls." she sighed . "Its alright." I chuckled painfully .

"Y/n , I know you're not." Camila says and I chuckle . "I know you do , thats why I love you." I whisper .

"Then tell me how you're really feeling." Camila says . "To be honest ? Empty and , stuck?" I said , more of question . "Are you still seeing a therapist?" she asks .

"Only when I really need too." I answer .

Silence .

"I miss home." I blurted out .

"Do the girls really want me to never come back?" I ask weakly . "No baby , no . Look they're worried as well." Camila says .

"But I can handle it , I just want to come home." I hold back the tears .

"I know baby , I know . Just be careful okay?" she advices and I shake my head eventhough she can't see me .

"I'll show you." I whisper before hanging up .

I felt bad for hanging up but I was determined to show them .

I put my phone aside and take out my laptop .

"Not this time."

Camila's pov

I sighed as Y/n hung up on me .

"What did she say?" Lauren asks almost immediately .

"She , just said that she will show us then hung up on me." I say , looking down .

"I guess we do have to give her space." I sigh . "Its alright , we'll check on her here and there." Ally suggests and I nod .

"Here , for a cheer-up lets go out for lunch." Dinah says and we all roll our eyes at her .

"Nice excuse to eat Dinah , but I am really hungry." Normani says . "Are you with or against me?" Dinah feigns hurt .

"What was the second one?" Normani asks innocently as Dinah pushes her lightly . We all burst out laughing before Ally tells us all to go get ready . "But mom." we all groan .

"Hush up , I'm like a single mom . Go get ready or else no desserts." she said in a threatening tone and all rush upstairs , bumping into each other .


| | Time Skip ||

"I still think you deserved it." I say as I took a sip of my banana milkshake .

"Ouch." Dinah mumbles and rubs her bruised elbow .

"I still don't understand how she was the only one who got injured . She was on top!" Normani explains .

"This would not have happened if you all walked up normally." Ally says . "Or if you never told us to get ready." Lauren protests .

"Then you all would look like you jusf woke up." Ally said in a motherly tone .

"No , we would still look flawless." Dinah flips her hair . "Really ? Then whose pair of socks are you wearing?" Ally raises her eyebrow .

"Mine of course." Dinah says . We all look under our table and see bananas on her socks .

"Dinah ! Those are mine!" I exclaim .

Dinah's eyes widened and checked herself before her face completely flushed .

"I'll b-be right back." Dinah stutters before running out , leaving us all laughing .

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