Chapter 28

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Your pov

Walking in oblivion was more then a scare at first .

But now , I do it to find where to go . No matter where I walk , I feel cornered . No matter what light I see , its fake . No matter what exit I find , its closed .

The never ending darkness that I walk through everday was only filled with one thing , emptiness .

Where am I going ? I tell myself .

For what felt like eternity I saw the same scenery , nothing . Pretty anti-climactic if you ask me .

How about I just stop moving ? I thought . So I did , I stopped moving . Before my eyes , I saw and relived a memory I wished I'd never see again .

Camila's pov

Eventually the girls decided to take five . I was hesitant at first but I guess we all really need to take a breather before jumping into some detective drama .

"Really , do McDonalds never reheat their fries?" Dinah says munching onto her fries . "Damn Dinah why so cold?" Lauren joked . "Ha ha." Dinah rolled her eyes .

"Atleast their chicken nuggets are good." Normani said .

"If Mani weren't a singer , I bet you she would make a chicken farm." Dinah says . "It will be called , Mani's Chicken!" Ally says and we all burst out laughing .

"Ever wonder what we would be if we weren't singers?" I said . "I don't think you would have met Y/n." Dinah teased . "Nevermind , I don't want to imagine a world like that anymore." I say . "Then , what do you think we'll be when Fifth Harmony is over?" I say . "I hope in opening a bakery." Ally says .

"I guess I could open my own dance studio." Mani put hers chin on her fingers . "I did always want to work with children." Dinah wonders . "You could be a elementary teacher." Ally suggests . "Yeah , the most glamarous teacher." Dinah says and we all laugh . "How about you Lo?" I ask .

"A photographer or artist . Even maybe a journalist . I want to travel the world." Lauren says and we all nod .

"How about you Camz?" Lauren asks me and I think for a bit .

"I just want to be a teacher , move in with Y/n . Get married and all that." I say and they all awe . We continue to talk about our future , past and present . Then we heard someone's phone ringing .

"Whose phone is that?" Dinah says . "Mine , its Louis." Ally says as she answers the phone . "Hm , yeah . Okay I'll put it on speaker." Ally says and puts it on speaker .

Your pov

It was like a game . A sick , wicked game .

I was watching through the eyes of my younger self . Specifically me when I was eight . It was all to familiar . I was walking hand in hand with my mom when the same drunk man arrived .

I don't think I could have had so much hate for someone until I met him . If I knew what he would do ahead of time , I would have showed him a face of pure disgust and hatred . It played again . I just watched as the man hit my mother and my younger self try and save her .

I knew the outcome . Of course I did . This was my memory , the one I've tried to forget the day it happened .

There she was , unconscious on the sidewalk . I watched as my younger self desperately tried to call an ambulance . I couldn't help but tear up myself , no matter how many time I experience it , it would hurt harder . The paramedics came and helped her . "We got a pulse." one of them said .

My ears perked up and I was on full attention . They put her on a stretcher and brought her to the hospital with me . I watched as the nurses dragged her into a room and I waited outside with one of the nurses . A man in a white coat , which I assume was the doctor , came out of them room and bent down to my height .

"Good job little one , thanks to you you're mom is fine . Do you want to see her?" he asks . I was shocked . My younger self nodded frantically and the doctor brought me inside .

There was my mom on the bed , alive . "Hey there my little star." she opened her arms and I ran into them .

As my younger self hugged my mom , I watched in pure shock . I guess this is what would have happened if she lived I thought to myself . I watch my life experiences change before my eyes . My once lonely life filled with precious moments with my mom , but there was a problem . I never met the girls and I never met Camila .

In this reality , they were still a girl group where Camila was with Shawn . It hurt for me to watch but I guess my alternative self didn't care .

I watched as I drove in a car my mom gave me to the store . I was on the phone , unaware of the speeding car infront of me . I was about to warn myself but it was to late . I witnesses as the car flipped and turned and come to a stop .

I was horrified as I watched myself be carried into an ambulance by a stretcher . An oxygen mask was attached to my face as the nurses rushed me to the emergency room .

I spotted my mom running to the doctors asking them if I was alright . They told her I was fine but that I was in critical condition . She had tears in her eyes as she listened to every single detail . I couldn't believe it myself . I just watched myself almost die in a car crash .

Inside the room was worst , my fragile body laid there with multiple machines hooked up to me . Weeks passed and I haven't waken up .

My mom would stay up late at night crying . I pity her . She was so worried for me and I hated seeing her suffer . I would rather me suffer then ever seeing her suffer even for a second .

Tonight was different from the rest . Nowadays , my mom came late from work to make extra cash to afford the medical bill I had .

She started sobbing as her tears soaked the paper on her desk . I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind . I knew she couldn't see or sense me but for me it was special . It felt so long since I last had the chance to touch my mom .

But I never wished for it to be like this . Where I was a ghost that watched over her as she tried her hardest to help me . "I'm sorry mom." I whisper . "I don't want to see her like this." I whisper . "I would never want to." I say a little louder .

The image of my mom begin to fade as I let out a small smile . "I love you mom." I say as I return back to the empty darkness . 

Louis's pov

Ever since Y/n was admitted to the hospital , me and the boys divided ourselves to who would look after Y/n everday .

Today was Friday which meant it my day to look after her . It wasn't really much of a burden , more of a favor to return . She has done a lot for so many . I was just looking at her relaxed features as she breathed in and out slowly when her eyes squinted a bit .

My eyes widened and I wasted no time in calling a doctor . He did some tests on her before looking at me .

"It seems as Ms Y/n is having some reactions , which means there is a fifty fifty chance of her waking up." the doctor said . I smiled as I thanked him a million times before calling the Fifth Harmony girls . I promised that I would call them if anything happened .

I dialled in Ally's number and called them .

Not the longest one I've wrote but also not the shortest . And thank you all for almost 2000 reads !

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