Chapter 7

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Day Five

Your pov

This is it . My last day before I leave my home , my friends and my lover .

I woke up about three hours ago and right now it was 7 am which meant I woke up at around 4 am . I spent about half an hour laying beside my beautiful girlfriend , then I took a long shower and ate breakfast . Now here I was , sipping on a cup of hot chocolate I made outside on my lawn .

It was the early hours , the sun hasn't risen yet and the sky was misty . Briggan came beside me and I pet his head . "We leave tomorrow bud." I whisper to the big dog . His ears drop down slightly and I chuckle softly . "Lets just hope our secret doesn't get exposed." I smile hopefully .

"Do you really have to go?" a voice said from behind . I turned to see Ally . "Yeah Als , I really wish I could stay." I smile sadly . "Just , just take care of yourself . Okay ? Don't want Mila to be all sad again." Ally says . "I won't . Well , I'll try . The world isn't always fair . Just take of Mila for me while I'm gone , yeah?" I say and she nods .

"Where do you plan on going?" the older girl asks me . "I guess , South Korea . I haven't been there since my dad , um." I pause . "Its okay , you don't need to talk about it." Ally rubs my back . "Well , we should get back inside." I stand up and head inside . "Are we doing anything today?" Ally asks and I shake my head . "I just really want to chill and spend time with you girls." I say and she smiles .

"Actually , I have to meet up with Scooter later in a few . Can you tell the girls I went out?" I ask . "Sure , go anf get ready then." Ally ushers me . I run upstairs to my room then slowly open the door , trying not to wake up Camila . I enter the bathroom and take a quick shower then wrap a towel around me .

I get out and out on my light blue hoodie , skinny jeans and socks . I make my way back down and snatch an apple from the fruit bowl . "See you later Allycat!" I yell . "Bye!" she yells back and I head out the door . I put on my shoes and get in the car . "Briggs!" I call my canine friend . He comes running and gets in the backseat .

"Now we're ready , lets go!" I rev up the engine and drive to the building . Ten minutes later and we arrive . It'll usually take longer but there wasn't a lot of traffic today which was good .

I get out the car and open the door for Briggan . "Diva." I mumble as I watch him get out . He snarls at me making me raise my hands . "Hey , I didn't mean it." I close the door and walk into the building . "Hey Finn , where is Scooter?" I ask the guy . "Hey Y/n , he's in Studio 7 Level 13." he says . "Thanks man." I thank him and go . I press the elevator button and wait . The bell dings and I get in along with Briggan . It was empty so that means that Briggan had space to stand .

Me and Briggan started doing weird dances in the elevator because lets face it , who doesn't ?

The bell dinged , then me and Briggan stopped acting as nothing happened . "5 , 6 and 7 here we go." I knock on the door and hear a faint ' come in ' . I open the door to see Scooter inside . "Y/n ! Whats up?" he greets me with a hug . "Good man." I smile and pull away . Briggan takes over one of the couches , already laying down , and I take seat on the other . "So why did you call me?" I ask . "Wanted to talk about you vacation and album." he said and I nodded .

"How long are you going to be gone?" he asks and I keep quiet . "Y/n?" he calls me and I sigh . "Thats my problem , I don't know . I might have to stay as long as I have to if I never find this exposer." I look down . I hear footsteps and an arm pats my shoulder . "Hey , I understand okay ? Take as long as you need . Its the modern times , you know where you can communicate from far far away." he jokes and I laugh .

"Yeah , I can write a few songs then send them to you." I say . "And maybe I can help find this guy." he offers . "Or girl." I point out and he chuckles . "Now thats done with." he claps his hands . "Album time." he smirks . "No please don't do that face . That is just nightmare fuel." I tease and he glares at me .

"You're mean and yet I still help you." Scooter mumbles . "You love me." I coo . "In a friendly way , yeah." he laughs . "Ew no , you're married . I'm not a homewrecker sir." I say , acting offended .

"Whatever , Marshmello will be here in 10 so get yourself together." he informs me . I met Marshmello when I was working on my second album . He helped me with the beats and we instantly became friends . Now , I guess I'm making a song with him . Not that I mind .

Ten minutes later and we here a knock on the door . "Come in!" I yell . Marshmello comes in and I greet him with a hug . "Hey man , thanks for helping." I thank and he nods . "Okay then . Lets do this." I say , taking out my pendrive and putting it in the laptop .

For the past three hours , we've been working on beats and I've also been working on lyrics . None of them are complete though . Like a puzzld piece that you do . Finish the corners but not entirely .

"Wait , that beat is actually good . Try that again." I ask and he did . The beat was nice , its just that I have no lyrics for it . Thats what most of these songs are . Either beatless or wordless . I guess I'll have to finish it at Korea . No problem .

"Alright , that was great . Thanks so much for the help." I shake him . He pats my back and waves goodbye then he leaves . I pack up my stuff and wake up Briggan who was fast asleep on the couch . We went back down and straight into my car .

I revved up the engine and sped my way back home . We reached back to the house and I walk in . "Honies , I'm home!" I yell . "Babe!" I hear a voice squeal . "Hey , sorry I left for so long . I had to discuss some stuff with the album." I whisper . "Its okay , I just missed you." Camila said pecking my lips .

"Come on , the girls are watching a TV series." Camila said pulling me to the living room . "What series?" I ask . "The Office." as soon as she said that , I looked at Briggan , who was already staring , and ran to the living room . I jumped onto the couch while the girls laughed at me .

Seven episodes later , Camila , Lauren , Mani and Dinah went out to buy food . Leaving me and Ally alone . "So when are you coming back?" Ally asks me . "In two weeks." I lie . "Sounds like two years for Mila." Ally jokes and I chuckle . After the laughter died down , I cleared my throat .

"Ally , I need to tell you something." I whisper quietly . "What is it?" Ally whispers back .

"Its hard to say , uh." I struggle to find words . Come on Y/n . SPEAK I clear my throat and look into Ally's eyes . "I don't know when I'll come back." I look down . "What?" Ally says . "If this guy doesn't stop exposing me , I might get , you know , exposed . I just have to wait until he's caught . Or her." I sigh . "Just stay strong , okay . I'll explain to the girls while you're gone." Ally assures .

"Why when I'm gone?" I ask . "Cause I'll most probably forget then remember when the time calls for it." she says and I roll my eyes playfully .

"Be safe okay?" Ally engulfs me in a hug . "I'll try." I smile .

Yesh . See ya !!

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