Chapter 13

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Your pov

I needed to do something . I'll admit , I was a whiny a kid who whines about being exposed when I wasn't doing anything .

So right now I was re-listening to all the tapes , marking off who I suspected the most and who I suspected the least . "A wolf in sheeps clothing." the tape ended . It was Ally's voice this time . The girls had done a good job of denying the media's rumors but it wasn't that , that I was confused by .

It was the fact that the exposer hasn't used neither Shawn or Damien's voice .

Whoever he or she is , they know Shawn and Damien can't do much . But who doesn't ? Its all over the Internet and still is . Sure , they're getting released in four months but I doubt they have any access to electronics . But a crucial detail , is that this person wants me to be paranoid . Feel unsafe amongst my friends . Using the girls voices to make my think that they betrayed me .

They were slowly achieving that .

I played the last tape and it was just incoherent sounds . Giberish at most . If I learned anything from detective cases , it was that to play around with the sound or image . I played the sound backwards . Still giberish . Slowed down the speed , and it sounded more human . I slowed it down even more , then I got something .

"Trust is key , who do you trust?" the voice said . "Thats it?" I say . "A bunch of words of trust?" I sigh . I replayed the sound , trying to pinpoint who said it . Playing again and again , I got absolutely nothing . It sounded like that guy from Saw but a girl .

I sighed in defeat and closed my laptop . "Atleast I got somethings done." I mumble to myself . I sat down on the couch and started playing on my phone . More tweets , notifications and posts of rumors . I turn it off vibrate and do whatever . I was bored , blank . I scrolled through all the tweets I got , which I didn't even bother to read .

I got sick of all of it and throw my phone aside . I take out my journal open the front page . "After all these years , I still have it." I laugh to myself . It was a polaroid picture of me and my parents when I was three . My fingers hover over the picture and a tear escape my eyes . "I'm sorry mom." I whisper . "I let you down , who haven't I?" I laugh bitterly .

I wipe my tears and take out my pen . I flipped to a new fresh page and started writing a new song .

Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say that I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
Let you down

I smile in satisfaction at my own lyrics and continue writitng . I wrote on it for hours , making the lyrics for whoever hears it feels my emotions . I knew this was the song that my heart and soul made . With my own lyrics and beat . I closed the journal with a content sigh . I guess I'll just record tomorrow I thought .

I take the remote and flick through all the channels . I watched some random Korean drama and snacked on my junk food for the rest of the day .

Camila's pov

The girls and I have been in the studio for almost the whole day now .

I really wanted to call Y/n but my phone is charging , and if Lauren's phone dies , she'll take the charger from me . "Damn , my phone died." Lauren said , barely above a whisper . "Don't you even think of touching my phone!" I glare at the older girl . "Woah , calm down there tiger." Dinah laughs at me .

"Whats got you so hyped up?" Mani asks . "I really want to call Y/n." I whisper . We knew she won't come back for who knows how long , and its real hard for me . I miss her . "Oh , want to see lover girl?" Dinah teased and I rolled my eyes , a faint tint of pink on my cheeks .

"Yes." I groan . "Then let make sure you're phone charges , cause I see Lauren right around the corner." Dinah points out and I snap my head to see Lauren running .


|| Time Skip ||

After hours of fighting over who gets to charge first , Ally took the charger away until me and Lauren behaved .

I begged Ally to give it back so I could call Y/n and she thankfully did . Once my phone charged to one hundred percent , I unplugged it from the charger and switched it one .

I scroll through my contact numbers to find my girlfriend's one and press it when I saw it . After the third ring she answers .

"Hey babe." she greets . "Hi Y/n/n , what are you doing?" I ask . "Watching some drama." she replied with a laugh . "How are the girls?" she asks . She always cares , I love that about her I said to myself . "They're good , Normani was nervous during the interrogation though." I say . "I heard." she says . "From who?" I ask curiously .

"Aunt Grace." she replies . "Makes sense , anyways , hows the album?" I ask her excitedly . "Its going , its going real great actually . Five songs done already." I can feel her smirk from across the line  

We talk on the phone for hours . Like an old couple , sharing everything and anything .

We were laughing and something she said until it died down . I heard her sigh . "What wrong?" I ask . "Its difficult." she whispers . "What is?" I question . "The exposer , he or she has made tapes and the last tape I checked said ' trust is key , who do you trust? ' and I just don't get it." she says . "Who do you trust?" I ask . "Briggan and you." she admits .

"The girls?" I say , shocked she didn't say them . "I have mixed feelings , they tell me they would never do it but they give me a reason too . But I won't believe it." she whispers the last part . "Its okay Y/n , we'll help you." I say confidently .



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