Chapter 26

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Louis's pov

Me and Harry were now following Briggan to Y/n's hotel . Looking at the wolf , I couldn't help but feel sorry for him . He's been running around town trying to help Y/n the best he can .

Then again , Y/n would do the same .

Zayn , Liam and Niall stayed back at the hospital in case they got any news on Y/n's condition . We arrived at a large hotel and got in . We took the elevator and clicked her hotel room level . The doors dinged before opening and we went to look for her hotel room .

Briggan ran ahead of us and stopped at a door . The room was 4123 . I looked at Harry for a moment before twisting the doorknob and opening the door .

Inside , the room was a complete mess . "It looks worst then I thought it would be." Harr mumbles . We start looking around to find amy clues about why Y/n got so stressed out or crazy to trash her hotel . I was walked to the bed when I stepped on something cold . I looked under my foot to see Y/n's army tag . I picked it up and looked at it before putting in my pocket to give to her later .

A little more searching and so far we found absolutely nothing . We about to leave but Briggan dragged us back in and showed us her phone . I looked at the wolf curiously for a second before picking the phone up .

What was on her phone was a video . "Whatever this is , it must've made her stressed." I said to Harry . He nodded and played the video . "How do you think she survived in the forest for so long?" the voice said . It was a girl , a woman . "Who was that?" Harry asks . "I don't know." I whisper . Then , we get a call from Zayn . "Hello , Zayn did anything happen?" I say .

"No Lou , we called to ask if you found anything." he says . "Well , we found her phone that has a video of a black screen with a woman saying something." I answer . "Anyways , were coming back . Briggan over here seems satisfied we found her phone." I tell them . "Okay , maybe we can tell Fifth Harmony and her girlfriend." Zayn reminds me .

"Okay , okay . Just hold on , we're on our way."

Camila's pov

Me and the girls were all in the 5H house just chilling .

"No , if I had that knife I would have been caught anyways!" I hear Ally yell . Ally and Dinah were playing a game that Ally has been recently obssessed with , Yandere Simulator . While , Normani , Lauren and I are watching Stranger Things .

I haven't got any texts , messages or calls from Y/n all morning , which kind of worries me .

I know she said she was getting better but I still can't help but worry . I would constantly check my phone from time to time to see if Y/n had texted me or anything . "Camz , you've been glancing at you're phone for who knows how long . You okay?" Lauren asks me . "Just waiting for Y/n to text or call me." I mumble , looking down at my phone .

"How about you put it down for a moment and relax?" Normani suggests . I hesitantly agree and put my phone away . In between the season , Ally and Dinah join in and we all watch it together . "I'm going to go get some snacks." I say and they all hum in response .

I get up and head to the kitchen and take some chips from the pantry . As I was walking back I heard my phone buzzing . I look at the caller ID to see it was Y/n calling me . I put my snacks down and answered the phone . "Y/n , you are in so mu-" but before I could even finish someone else cut me off . "Hello Camila?" the voice says . Thats definetely not Y/n I say to myself .

"Hello ? Who are you and why do you have Y/n's phone?" I ask quickly . "Its me Louis." he says . "Oh hey Louis , I hope you don't mind me asking but what happened to Y/n?" I ask .

"Thats why we called you , um , its hard to say." he trails off . "Whats going on ? Where is my girlfriend." I growl . "She is , uh at the hospital." he says and I cover my mouth with my hand . "Why ? What happened ? Is she okay?" I ask frantically . "The doctors say she was found unconscious in her hotel room." Louis says . I felt tears well up in my eyes .

"How is she now?" I ask him . "The doctors said that they had to treat her immediately . Turns out she has been lacking a lot of sleep and that she has been avoiding her medication." he informs me and I felt my heart breaking . "Okay , but how is she now?" I ask again . I heard him sigh on the other line . "In a coma." and with that I broke down . I ended the call and just sat there crying .

"Mila , whats th- Woah are you okay?" Dinah asks . I shake my head and sob harder . "Hey , hey , hey whats going on ? Why are you crying?" Dinah asks softly . Eventually , the rest of the girls come in and comfort me .

"Whats going on Mila , we need to know." Normani says .

"Y-Y/n." I sniffle . "Y/n ? Whats wrong with her?" Ally asks . "S-She i-i-is at the h-hospital." I stutter . "What why?" Dinah says , rubbing my back . "C-Coma." I sob . "Who ? Whose in a coma?" they ask . "Y/n." I cry . They all looked shocked for a second , Ally had tears in her eyes before they started comforting me .

Once I was calmed down , they asked me again . "Okay Mila what happened?" Ally asks . "Louis called using Y/n's phone and he told me that Y/n was in the hospital." I breath in and out slowly . "Take in deep breaths Camz , you can do this." Lauren says encouragingly . "Her c-condition has been getting worst . They found her unconscious in her hotel room and they had to t-treat her immediately." I struggle to explain .

"How is she now?" Normani asks . "I-In a coma." my voice cracks at the end .

I felt my phone buzz to see it was a text from Louis . "Whose that?" Dinah asks . "Louis , he sent me a video . He said that it might be the reason why Y/n snapped." I tell them . We play the audio and it was a woman's voice . She sounded familiar . She sounded ....

Like Y/n


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