Chapter 42

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Camila's pov

The girls and I were in a restaurant having lunch .

Not being able to contact Y/n was awfully painful and I know I was the one who planned it but it still was painful .

Damn , these past month just filled of pain .

Y/n , if this is supposed to help us , its hurting me I thought to myself .

For the better

I hear those words echo on my head .

I shake my head and tune back in to whatever was happening in the world around me . "Whose right Mila?" Normani asks me all of a sudden .

"Ally is." I blurt out , cause whatever argument they were having , Ally would be ninety percent of the time right . "But Ally's on my side ? So us right?" Normani asks hopefully and I nod awkwardly .

"Boo." Dinah says along with Lauren . I ignore their little fight and pull out my phone and start scrolling through it .

Suprisingly , Y/n was online so I took the chance to message her .

Mila : Hey Y/n

No answer .

Y/ig/n : Hey babe

Thats took longer then expected I thought but I didn't question any longer .

Mila : Am I disturbing you ?

Y/n : Not at all , just scrolling through pics

Mila : Of what ?

Y/n : ....

Mila : Babe ....

Y/n : You

Mila : 😂😂

I was silently laughing to myself when Ally scolded me to put down my phone and eat .

Y/n : Shut up

Mila : Its alright , I'll text you later or call okay ? Ally says I got to eat

Y/n : Then I won't bother you , important my baby stays healthy

Mila : Okay bye , love you

Y/n : Love you to dork

Do you think you could say that here ? I thought .


Your pov

I was snapped back to reality when Camila texted me and it took me a moment to realise I haven't answered .

Mila : Hey Y/n

I stares at the text , overthinking what to answer and just give a simple greetings .

Y/ig/n : Hey babe

Mila : Am I disturbing you ?

Y/n : Not at all , just scrolling through pics

Mila : Of what ?

Well , here is my confession .

Y/n : ....

Mila : Babe ....

Y/n : You

Mila : 😂😂

Y/n : Shut up

Mila : Its alright , I'll text you later or call okay ? Ally says I got to eat

Y/n : Then I won't bother you , important my baby stays healthy

Mila : Okay bye , love you

Y/n : Love you to dork

I felt a bit dissapointed that she had to go but I promised myself I wouldn't be selfish .

Gosh I sound like an actor for some kind of cringe worthy drama .

I put down my phone and pack up my stuff . I haven't really done anything and it would just be wasting time if I just stayed here any longer .

I could be eating a samdwich instead of sitting in a studio for an hour long doing nothing .

I packed up the last of my things , woke up Briggan and walked back to the hotel room .

On the way back , I got minor aches on my chest . Like someone had quickly punched me in the chest and dissapeared like the pain .

I walked it off and made my way into the building .

Upon arriving in the hotel , I dropped he bag on the floor in front of the couch and plopped there .

I loud sigh escapes my lips as I pick up the remote and started flipping through channels .

I didn't find anything interesting and got up from the couch thinking of what to do . It was painfully boring at the quiet atmosphere wasn't helping .

Dim lights , messy hotel room and a depressed person fits a movie like scene as I looked around . Briggan was asleep , not being able to lighten up the mood as I hoped he was .

A buzz in my pocket snaps me from my thoughts .

I fish out for my phone and see that I got a text message from the same unknown number .

Unknown : Tick tock , times up

I look at the message in confusion when I suddenly felt my phone buzz uncontrollably .

I turned off vibrate and looked at the notifications .

My eyes widened to find thousands of dms giving me hate or confused questions .

I look for the tag and clicked it to see it was yet another message from my exposer . I clicked the video and I felt my eyes water and widen in fear .

It was a video of me turning into a werewolf for the first time when Damien pulled a ' betray you're bestfriend ' on me .

And it wasn't like those photoshopped looking videos .

It was the real deal . HD , real and close-up . No one was with me , only Damien but I doubt he recorded it . Except .


I felt my body fill with rage when I took quick notice . It all adds up , he knew I was here , he followed me and the fact he was the only one there that could have recorded it .

The notifications were building up by the minute . The few I saw were painful enough to bring tears to my eyes . People called me a freak , a screw-up or that my mother deserved to die .

Then , I got a call from none other then Louis . After what hes done , he still has the guts to call me ? I thought . I answered the call and it took all of it in me not to bark at him right then and there .

"Hey Y/n , sorry to ask but could you please come over to help with my uncle's client?" he asked . "Sure." I spat .

He thanked me and hung up .

What does he want ? To bring me into his trap and expose me to the FBI , conduct tests on me ? Okay that might be a bit over exaggerated I thought .

But I know it wasn't . Being betrayed was what I hated to experience the most .

In pain , I threw my phone to the side , most likely shattering it .

I was never good at solving my problems when I was in pain .

And I guess I still am not this time


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