Chapter 32

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Your pov

The doctor said he wanted to keep me for one more day to conduct a few more tests before I could leave .

News of me in the hospital quickly spread around on the Internet and I received multiple tweets of comfort and kindness . Louis was on the phone with the girls who were screaming to speak to me . "Just calm down." Louis said .

"Lou , just hand it over to me." I say and he looks at me thankfully .

"I'm deaf now." Louis mumbled before sitting down .

"Hello?" I say through the phone . "Y/n?" I hear them call . "That is me." I chuckle . "Wait ! Hold on , lets skype." Ally said and they ended the call . Not even a minute later , they called on Skype this time .

I saw all five girls on screen all smiling .

"Hey , you all look happy." I chuckle . "Well yeah , cause now we don't have to deal with Mila's sulking face anymore." Dinah says and Camila slaps her arm playfully . "Ouch that hurts , I thought you all would be glad to see me." I say feigning hurt .

"We are ! Dinah is just very , very ungrateful." my girlfriend says , glaring at the Polynesian while the rest of the girls laugh .

"And I was just about to give you all some gifts." I smirk and they all stopped then looked at me .

"Wait we really are glad we got to see you again." Normani protests and I roll my eyes . "You're just saying that cause you want the goods." I stick my tongue out at them . "No but really though we're glad you're okay." Lauren says sincerely and I laugh softly .

"Okay okay." I smile at them . "What did you get us?" Dinah asks before being smacked in the head by Ally .

"Its a secret." I tease and they all groan .

"Is that a cover up to say you really didn't buy anything for us?" Lauren raises her eyebrow and I cross my arms . "Are you accusing me as a liar Jauregui?" I say . "Y/n , don't hurt her okay?" Ally says and I huff . "Ever since you two started dating , its so hard for me to do anything." I pout .

"Same with you and Camz!" Lauren exclaims and we all bust out laughing .

"Don't tell me you bullied her Lo." I raise my eyebrow at her . "Define bully?" Lauren says innocently . "I'm so going to knock you out cold when I come back." I say and Lauren keeps quiet .

"Thats what I thought." I smirk .

"So Y/n , when are you coming back?" Camila asks . "I guess when this exposer is taken care off . Now that Louis and the boys can help me I guess it will be a bit more easier and I can stay more sane." I say and the brunette pouts . "But I want to be there for you." Camila says and I smile .

"I will be soon . Don't worry." I assure her .

"Fine , but if any of them try anything I'mma need some help for a beating." Camila says seriously and I nod .

"Oh wait ! Briggan!" Camila calls and the wolf pops up beside me . "Keep an eye out on them and her got it?" Camila asks and he barks . We all start laughing before Louis speaks up . "I wouldn't dare put a finger on you're girlfriend , I'm not that kind of person." Louis mumbles .

"Besides that , Y/n ! How is the album?" Normani asks and I instantly smile .

"Its going great , only a few more songs and I'm done . But , I do have to work extra hard since I passed out for a few days." I say . "Just don't stress yourself out to much and let this happen again . I swear next time , I'll have a heart attack." Camila sternly . "Yes mom." I groan and the Cuban shakes her head .

"I'm not you're mom , if I was I wouldn't be able to date you." Camila says .

"Weirdo." I say playfully and she pouts . "Ow , that hurts . Now I wish I was you're mom to ground you." Camila says and I chuckle . "What are you ? A fairy godmother?" Dinah says and we all start laughing .

"Ms Y/l/n ? 빠른 혈액 샘플이 필요해." (we need a quick blood sample) the doctor said and I nodded .

"Sorry girls , I have to go . I'll talk to you later okay?" I say and they all groan before saying goodbye then hanging up .

I wasn't really worried if they would find out that I was a werewolf through my blood dna . We wolves were taught to always take blood from the back of our shoulder if we ever had somone who asked for our blood .

I took the syringe from the nurse's hand and jab it into the back of my shoulder and take some blood from there .

"고맙습니다. " (Thank you) the doctor said and left with the nurse .

After that , me and Louis just talked and joked around . I didn't tell him anything about the adventures in my mind but before I decided to wake up , I felt a different presence there .

Not any of the characters thaty brain had made , but an actual presence like someone else was there seeing what I was seeing .

I was wondering if it was the exposer . If he or she had the power to enter my mind scape and read my mind to know everything about me and my mom .

But I knew it was absurd and highly unlikely .

Sure werewolves exists , but mind-reading ? You got to wait for the future X-Men buddy .

Suddenly , I hear a phone buzzing . I looked at mine but it wasn't ringing . "Its mine." Louis says and I nod . He answers the call and talk to whoever is on the other side of that phone .

"Okay , Y/n I got to go . My uncle needs help." he says and I nod understandingly . His uncle was a citizen here helping out a client who was renting a house here . But in the meantime that person would need to stay and his uncle's place for a bit .

"When is this client coming?" I ask out of curiosity . "In two weeks or so." he replies and I nod .

"Well go ahead then." I say and he says goodbye before leaving . "What now Brigs?" I ask the wolf who was at the foot of the bed I was on . He yawns and I roll me eyes . "So much for fun." I mumble . But I couldn't really say much , he did help me when I went unconscious .

I could have been there for ages . Now I owe him my life .


Okay there you go ! See ya !!

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