Chapter 5

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Your pov

I was scrolling through my phone on Instagram , waiting for the girls to finish getting ready .

I finished about half an hour ago . Seriously , I just put on a hoodie , ripped jeans and sneekers then I'm done . I guess the girls wear make-up . They already look pretty why do they still wear it . Actually , why do girls where make-up in general ?

I let out a sigh and shake my head at my own thoughts .

I'm overthinking this to much I tell myself . I was brought out of my own thoughts by one of the girls calling me . "Y/n?" Lauren called . I turned and looked at her . "Yeah?" I reply . "You okay there?" Mani comes down . "Yeah , just wondering why girls wear make-up." I say with a sheepish smile .

"Because these looks don't come out naturally you know." Dinah flips her hair .

"Alright . I give , I give." I chuckle . "Okay , I'm done . Lets go." Camila says  as she comes down . I flash her a smile and get the girls attention . "Now , no more wasting time . Lets get going." I clap . All the girls run out the door and into the black SUV outside while I slowly walk behind them .

I swear , I'm a care taker for these children I shake my head , chuckling .

The girls were already arguing for whoever gets the window seat . These children that I love to be with I smile at my own thoughts . "You have to get used to this one day." Camila's raspy voice says from behind me . I hummed in response as she slung her arm over my shoulders and walked to the car . "Soon enough , we will have little Y/n's and Camila's runninf around." Camila says and I smile .

I peck her lips and look at her brown orbs with my silver ones . "I can't wait." I whisper . "Alright you two , break it up ! We already figured out our seats so get in and lets go!" Dinah yells making me roll my eyes .

Me and Camila sat in front , Camila in the passenger seat and me driving since I know where the place is .

A few more minutes passed and we arrive at the beach . All the girls got out the SUV and ran towards the speedboat by the coast .

Me and Mila walked behind , our hands intertwined . The rest of the girls were rushing us but we just took our sweet time and got on . The ride was bumpy , all the girls had a hard time keeping steady . Especially Camila being the klutz she is . I wrapped an arm around her waist while my other hand held onto the bar to keep us steady .

Camila gave me a greatful smile and pecked my cheek .

I look around and see Dinah and Mani screaming everytime we hit a wave , Lauren and Ally talking more of screaming while me and my girlfriend were just enjoying our time .

"Alright Ms Y/l/n , we are here." the guy says . We all thank him and get off .

"Wow." all the girls gasped . It was just a simple plastic made raft with people and speedboats .

"Y/n/n!" my friend Cruz yells . I run over and give him a hug . "I swear she knows everyone." I hear Dinah whisper . "Girls , this is my friend Cruz who will be hooking us up with these speedboats." I smile . "Now before we start , I want to know who knows how to ride these things?" Cruz asked .

Only Lauren , Dinah and Normani raised their hands . "Wow DJ , you don't know how to drive but you knos how to drive a speedboat?" I tease . The Tongan just rolls her eyes at me .

"Okay so who wants to ride with who?" Cruz questions . "I get dibs on Y/n!" Mila screams and clings onto me and I giggle .

"I go with Mani." Ally says and Cruz nods . "Y/n you know what to do." Cruz smirks at me and I smirk too . I free myself from Mila's grasp and frontflip into the sea . The speedboats were hooked underneath to avoid them floating away . So someone had to manually unhook them . I unhooked three then resurfaced .

"Choose one girls." I say and get back on the platform .

I got on my normal greyish silver one with Mila , Lauren on a black and yellow one , Ally and Normani on a red and white one and lastly Dinah with a yellowish gold one .

"I'm scared Y/n." Camika whimpers . I smile and wrap her arms around my waist . "Hold tight." I whisper and rev the engine .

We all start speeding around having fun . Suprising enough , Dinah was pretty good at it . Ally was scared at first but she wanted to try it for herself . She did and now she has been speeding past everyone . "Ally ! Why are you going so fast!" Lauren yells . "Cause slow people are nerds!" Ally says before speeding away .

"Ouch , eversince Ally got to know how to ride these she's been speeding faster than she can drive and now she's roasting people?" I say .

All the girls laugh and we continue racing .

I stopped the speedboat right were me and Mila can see the sunset . "What are you doing babe?" Mila asks . I wrap my arm around her waist and point at the sun thats already setting . All the girls park beside us and I take a selfie with my selfie stick . We all watched the sunset , Mila's head resting on my shoulder .

It was getting dark so we all drove back the speedboats , thanked Cruz and we were already on our way back .

I took out my phone and posted the picture of all of us on Instagram .


@Y/ig/n : A beatiful and amazing view with this beautiful girl and amazing girls

The fans liked the pic and commented and I let out a small laugh .

I put my phone back into my pocket and drive . Camila and the rest of the girls except for me were already asleep . I smile and took another picture and decided to post it all later .

I'll miss this ...

I really want to publizh another book . A Tracer x reader one but I'm buzy with this one . Tell me if I should publish it or keep working on this one until its done only then publish it . See ya !!

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