Chapter 6

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Day Four

Your pov

I watched as the rain dropped onto the window . The girls had somethings to do at the studio today , while I didn't .

So now here I am alone with Briggan in my home .

I groaned loudly and stood up to make myself toast . I practically slammed bread into the microwave then ripped the toast out of the microwave and start munching on it . "Just like school times." I mumble . Have none of you ever been moody and done that ? No ? Just me ? Okay .

I plop down back onto the couch and flip through the channels , which I inmediately regret . Almost every channel had something to do with my being a werewolf . Is there seriously nothing else you people have to talk about ? I say to myself . Briggan seemed to notice my discomfort since he placed his head under my hand which I petted willingly .

I few more channels and I stopped on the program that showed that cryptic voice message .

"New rumors have submerged after a fan recently posted a new message from our unknowm source." the host says and shows the clip . "She is like the knight of a kingdom . There is a king , a queen and the knights . Thats what Y/n is to a wolf pack." the voice said . It was , Lauren's voice . "As you can see the voice sounds like Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony but the singer said on Twitter , quote ' I never said anything like that . I don't know what twisted reality you're trying to make but it sure as hell wasn't me . @Y/t/n is my friend and is she had a secret I would never tell . And people shouldn't dig into her business like that ' . So , tell us what you think?" and with that I changed the channel .

I smiled slightly knowing it wasn't Lauren but I was still worried . I felt my phone buzz and it was Aunt Grace texting me .

AuntieG🍀 : Y/n , you saw it ?

Y/n/n🎀 : The clip of Lauren ? Yeah

AuntieG🍀 : Do you have any leads ?

Y/n/n🎀 : Nope

AuntieG🍀 : Well then , I just wanted to tell you , keep safe

Y/n/n🎀 : Of course Auntie

AuntieG🍀 : Love you

Y/n/n🎀 : Love you too

I switched off my phone and sighed . "I have no idea who this person is but I can't seem to bother." I chuckled . Briggan looked at me and I laughed . "Come on Briggs , don't give me that look . I may be a werewolf but I'm still human , and with humanity comes laziness." I say and he barks at me .

"Maybe I will do something." I huff and stand up . I then remembered I have to start writing my third album . I take out my journal or song book and pen and open a fresh new page .

I sit there contemplating on what to write but I eventually give up . "I need some inspiration." I mumble .

I felt my phone buzz and I fished for it to see the girls were live on Youtube . I joined the live stream and see the girls messing around in the studio . "Oh ! Look , its Chancho's girlfriend ! Mila!" Dinah yells for her friend . "Oh shoot , she's in the booth . In the meantime , I'mma show you the day in a life with Dinah Jane." Dinah smirks to the camera . "She's real messy!" Ally yells from afar . Dinah glares at the older girl before continuing to entertain the fans .

"Hey CheeChee , what are yo- Oh hi there." Mila greets , getting hundreds of replies from the fans .

"You're girlfriend is somewhere there." Dinah says . "Really ? Hi babe!" Mila squeals and the fans start spamming OTP . I chuckle and watch the live stream which mostly consisted of the girls messing around and having fun .

The stream ended and I got off Youtube and decided to do a prank . I haven't posted for awhile so it should be a nice suprise for the fans . And the girls . My plan was going to be I quote on quote ' cheated ' on Mila , but I of course I won't really cheat on her .

I ran up to me and Mila's room and grab my recording camera and start recording . "Whats going on lovely people . Today , on this special day , I will be pranking my girlfriend , Camila Cabello . She is one hundred percent going to see this so hey babe , sorry." I smile at the camera . "Okay , so I have set up the cameras , one at the living room , one at the first floor hallway and three in my room . So you can get all the angles." I wink at the camera . "Now , I bet that you're questions are , who am I going to act with ? None other than my companion , Briggan!" I whistle for him to come over .

He comes running and sits down . "We." I say , picking up a boy wig from my store room . "Are going to use this wig to hide his identity and no , I will not date Briggan if he were a human." I fake gag . "Tell me in the comments if you would though." I smirk at the camera .

"Okay so bud , I nees you to put this on." I try putting the wig on his head but he just swipes it off . "I'll give you more snacks?" I bribe and he lowers his head . "You see , you have to bribe him." I whisper to the camera . I manage to put on the wig and I try stiffle a laugh from how funny he looks .

"Good , so he doesn't look convincing but he will be once he's covered under the sheets." I laugh evilly .

"Now all we got to do is wait." I say and wait . Not even five minutes pass and I recieve a text from none other than my girlfriend saying she is on her way back with the girls . "Alright people , she is on her way back . With the girls . The more the merrier right ? Actually thinking about it I might get beaten." I think for a moment . "Yeah , if I do die make sure this video becomes viral." I say faking a tear .

I hear the sound of the SUV outside and I quickly spring into action . I hurriedly run upstairs and place the camera on the nightstand and took off my shirt then laid in bed with Briggan . I start to cover Briggan's entire body to not give anything away . "Babe ! We're back!" I hear my girlfriend . "Wish me luck." I wink at my camera and lay down to pretend I'm asleep .

"Babe ! We go- Babe?" I hear Camila open the door .

I act as if I just woke up and groan . "Wha- Mila?" I say , acting suprised . "W-Whose that?" Mila covers her mouth with her hand . "I-It was an a-accident babe , I swear." faking like I've been caught . "I can't believe you . We're over." Mila sobs and runs out the door . "Mila wait!" I yell and run after her .

I see the girls downstairs comforting Mila . The moment they hear me , they all glare at me . Dinah stops over to me and punchs me in the gut , I let out a loud groan and fall to my knees . "How could you?" I hear Mila's voice crack . "Mila , wa-" I couldn't finish my sentence as she slapped me . "Jeez." I mumble under my breath . "Atleast let me introduce you to my boyfriend." I say and internally cringed at the word . "Why would I wa-" I didn't let her finish . "Babe!" I yell .

Then Briggan comes running down with his wig on . "This is my boyfriend . Sorry girls , this is a prank." I laugh . "W-What?" Mila wipes her tears . "There are cameras all around the house." I pointed to the one in the living room . "And this is my pretend boyfriend." I pet Briggan's head as he licks my face .

"So , this was all fake?" Lauren asks . "All fake." I confirm . "Uh , sorry for punching you." Dinah scratches her neck nervously . "No worries Dinah . I deserve it." I chuckle . I go and grab one of my cameras and record the girls .

"Thank you for watching the ladies of Fifth Union an- Ow , okay Fifth Harmony and me." I rub the spot Ally and Normani hit my head . "Sorry baby." I kiss Mila's cheek . "I hate you so much . You have no idea how much that hurt." Mila wipes her tears . "Sorry baby , I love you." I whisper . "I love you too . Just don't give me another heart attack." my girlfriend hits my arm lightly .

"There you have it ! So go down in the description and do all those good stuff and I'll see you next full moon." I end the video .

"Good prank girl . One day you can teach me." Dinah says . "Of course." I smile . I grab my cameras and start editting the video . After about an hour of editting , I upload the video and lay down on my bed with a sigh . "You got me so worried." Mila whispers as she lays down beside me .

"I really am sorry me amòr." I wrap my arm around her waist . "Just make sure you'll never do that in real life." Camila whispers . "Never."


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