Good Ending

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Camila's pov

I watch as my fianceè runs around with Briggan and the girls , in a water fight .

We were at the beach for a small weekend vacation .

I watch from afar when Y/n comes to join .

"The girls are going to eat at some beach restaurant nearby , wanna come along?" Y/n asks and I shake my head .

"I get some alone time with you . Might as well take it." I say and she chuckles .

"Sure." she answers simply before shuffling closer and wrapping a protective around my shoulder . "Hard to think we fought hard for this . In the end , I'm kind of wondering if it was worth it . The trouble I've put you girls through and the ending we recieved." Y/n says .

"Its definately worth it." I intertwine my fingers with hers .

"You know , it really is . Who knows what I could be doing right now if I had stayed there longer?" she says .

"Probably fine." I say .

"Lies , I would be in the worst state I have ever been in my entire life." Y/n says truthfully .

"One day , the perfect day will come." Y/n says suddenly . I hum and look at her .

"For what?" I ask curiously .

"To ask you the million dollar question." Y/n smirks and looks at me . A faint tint of pink on my face .

"Todays not perfect ? We're on a beach , alone and its sunset." I point out . "No , still isn't . Far from my plans." she says bluntly .

"Then I should be expecting much?" I grin .

"The unexpected." she says and we both burst out laughing .

"Hey lovebirds ! Coming?" Dinah yells out , ignoring all the attention she has just directed to herself .

"Yeah!" Y/n answers back .

"Better go , wouldn't want you starving." Y/n says and pulls me up .

Really hard not to fall for you more I thought to myself .

"You coming?" Y/n calls out ahead of me .

I shake of my remaining thoughts and jog after her .

She holds out her hand and I take her hand .

"Don't let go alright?" she whispers on my ear .

"I won't be like Jack." I joke and she laughs lightly .

"Good , I knew I made the right choice of loving you."

Two different quotes for tomwo different endings . KEEP TUNED FOR ' FOR MY WORLD ' !!

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