Chapter 27

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Camila's pov

Right now , we were all in the living room . Quiet .

I guess we were all taking in that Y/n was in a coma . She said she was getting better I said to myself . But then why would her condition become worst I thought . Its just Y/n's nature . To push herself aside to make sure everyone else is fine .

She does so much for us , for me . Now shes in a coma , in a hospital almost in a whole different country . If I could , I would fly over there right now and be with her . But Louis said that Y/n would want me to stay . Eventhough Y/n would do the same even if it costed her anything . Thats what I loved about her .

Scratch that , I love everythinf about her . Her personality , her heart , her features , her everything . And to call her mine is a great honor . A great honor to calk her my everything .

"We need to do something." I blurted out . "What?" the girls look at me . "If Y/n can do the investigation , we have to help .  That woman on the phone , sounded jusg like Y/n . We need to know who is she and what is her connection with Y/n." I say and they all nod in agreement .

"How about we call Aunt Grace ? She could know who she was." Ally suggests . "Yeah , do you have her phone number?" Lauren asks and the older girl nods . Ally takes out her phone and clicks on the caller ID and waits for her to pick up .

"Hello?" Aunt Grace said . "Hi Aunt Grace , its Ally . You're on speaker right now." Ally greets . "Oh hi ladies , how are you?" she asks politely and we all answer with a chorus of ' good ' and ' fine ' . "Anyways , Aunt Grace . We called to see if you can identify this certain someone." Ally says . "And what has this certain someone done to be identified?" Aunt Grace laughs lightly .

"Aunt Grace , Y/n is in the hospital . She was found unconscious in her hotel room due to stress." we heard her gasp loudly . "Is she okay?" the older woman asked . "Shes fine , she is just in a c-coma." I say .

"Oh please no , okay so what does this unknown person have to do with Y/n?" she asks . "Apparently , Y/n listened to a recording that made her freak out . We didn't know who it was so we decided to call you." Lauren says . "Okay then , let me hear it." Aunt Grace demands .

Dinah presses the play button and we listen to the woman speak once more . Once the tape ended , it was silent on the other line . "Hello ? Aunt Grace?" Normani called . "I'm still here." she says . "So do you know who it is?" I ask her hopefully . "Its been so long since I last heard her voice." Aunt Grace says .

"Who?" we all ask .

"Veronica . Veronica Y/l/n . Y/n's mother." she explained and we all gasped . "Ms Grace , we have yo go." we hear another voice speak on the line .

"Sorry girls , but I have to go . Please make sure my niece is safe and if anything happens again , please call me." Aunt Grace says . "Of course , see you later." we say . "You too ladies." she says before hanging up .

Ally puts down her phone and we all just sit there . Processing what we were just told .

"No wonder she freaked out . Just imagine hearing you're mother's voice after so long . Only to hear her talk about you're secrets to the world." Lauren says . "Whoever this exposer is , I'm going to kill them." I growl . "Mila , calm down." Dinah tries to calm me down .

"No!" I yell .

"No , I can't forgive for what they have done . Ever since he or she first exposed Y/n , she has been getting worst . She has nightmares , she has to go to therapy and she can't stay and be her with us ! She can't get the support she needs!" my voice cracks at the end .

"Take deep breaths Mila , right now all we can do is help her figure out who is the exposer." Ally rubs my back . "Then lets do it." I say and wipe my tears . "Okay , where do we start first?" Lauren asks .

|| Time Skip ||

"No wonder Y/n got stressed out , this is so complicated!" Dinah groans .

"We haven't even gotten anywhere with anything." Normani says . "Seriously , all this recording is saying is giberish." Lauren points at the file .

"Alright maybe we can't decode this but maybe we can find the most likely suspects." I suggested . "Then it can't be Shawn or Damien , even though their the most likely , because like Y/n said they are still in jail." Ally says . "But they do get released in three months but that doesn't make much of a difference doesn't it?" Dinah points out .

"Then how about Y/n'd original suspect before her theory fell apart , Adam was it?" Normani said .

"Yeah but he got arrested for narcotics." I said . "So what ? He could have exposed Y/n before he got arrested." Dinah says . "Yeah , but look here , the exposer began exposing Y/n just when Damien was taken into custody . Which meant his phone was most likely to be in the hands of the police and he'd have no access to it." Ally explains .

"Damn , yeah." Lauren mumbles .

"So who could it be?" Normani says . "Okay , lets get one thing clear . None of us here is the exposer right?" I ask them and they all shake their heads .

"Okay good." I sigh . "Why do you say that?" Ally asks . Shoot , what do I say now ? I say to myself . "Whatever this exposer's motive is , they're using our voices to make Y/n insecure about her trust for us." I say .

"Why would anyone do that?" Lauren asks . "To make her feel cornered , to feel suffocated . Then she'll have no choice but to run away and I can't take that." I whisper that last part .

"I can't lose her."


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