Chapter 23

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Your pov

The audio was posted on Youtube and my phone was practically buzzing non-stop .

I was getting a bit uncomfortable because it kept buzzing in my pocket so I had to put it on slient . Briggan and I were now chilling in the studio . I was on the floor , laying on my stomach doodling on an empty piece of paper . While I was doing that , I was also watching videos on Youtube . Whatever interested me .

Somehow , I ended up watching videos of the girls singing when I stumbled upon a specific video of Camila singing . It was her singing I Can't Help Falling In Love You .

A/N This is so beautiful , I actually listen to this to fall asleep . Not even joking .

I smiled at first when I heard it but my heart clenched when I remembered I can't go back yet .

I know nothing is stopping me , its just that , I got attacked by fans and paparazzi . I can survive that but that would only feed their suspicions further of how I'm able to withstand that . I suddenly got an idea of a song and started writing . I titled the song Can I Be Him .

I was busy writing in my own little world when I felt Briggan nudging my side . "What?" I groan at him . He gives me my phone and I see that Camila is calling me . "Hey babe." she greet . "Hello my love." I reply with a wide smile on my face . "You called?" I say . "Yeah , I called cause I wanted to hear you're voice." I hear her sniffle . "Don't cry Mila , I love you okay?" I say warmly . "I love you too but I want you here." she whines .

"How about this , in a week or so , I'll try to track down this exposer and I'll be back in you're arms . Okay?" I say and she squeals . "Sorry , just the thought of you with me makes me excited." she admits . "Same here." I chuckle . "I love you Y/n." she whispers . "I love you too Mila." I say sincerely . We ended up talking for an hour non-stop until she told me that her and the girls had a meeting .

She was hesitant at first but I told her it was okay and that I had to do things of my own too .

Now , here I am . Back to my imaginary world , writing the lyrics for my song . "Done!" I lift the paper up and looking at it . I take out my laptop and try the lyrics of the song with all the beats I have . Unfortunately , none of them matched .

Now this was the hard part .

I was re-listening to the beats with the lyrics , trying to figure out a way to make it work but it didn't . I sigh and put the book down for a second and pick up a guitar from the corner of the studio .

I started playing a few chords when I felt like something matched . I laid my journal in front of me and sang the lyrics while playing the chords . "Perfect." I say . I start making the melody and at last I finish the song . "What time is it?" I look at my phone . "4:53 pm." I mumble .

"Well , I guess thats another session done." I clap and stand up . I stretched , packed up and left with Briggan of course .

We walked out of the building , only to be met with a few fans . Woah , how did they find me ? I say in my head . Nonetheless , I can't turn them down , so I took pictures , signed a few things and talked to them . "Y/n noona , you look tired . Get some sleep yeah?" one of them say and I smile . "Thank you so much . All of you." I say and they all smile .

A few more sentences and we part ways . Why can't all people just be nice and caring like that ? I say to myself . Then again , the world has to have some element of balance right ?

Camilas pov

Me and the girls had just finished the meeting we had with Simon , so right now we were in the SUV doing our own things .

"Guys look ! Y/n released a new song!" we hear Ally yell . We all crowd around the Ally who was on her phone to see Y/n did indeed release a new song . "What are you waiting for ? Click on it!" I squeal and Ally presses the play button .

I've been hoping somebody loves you in the ways I couldn't
Somebody's taking care of all of the mess I've made
Someone you don't have to change
I've been hoping
Someone will love you, let me go

"She can't be talking about me , can she?" I say , afraid . "No , um , Camz can I talk for you for a second?" Lauren asks .

I nod and follow her to her room and close the door . "Listen Camz , I don't want you to be mad." Lauren starts off . "What did you and Y/n talk about when I called her." I ask . "What?" she says . "What did you and her talk about when you asked me and the rest of the girls to go?" I explain .

"I told her that , I still love her Camz." she sighs . "Are you two going out together behind my back?" my voice cracks . "No ! Dear god no." she says . "When I said that I still loved her , she said that I should move on . Hence that she told me to let her go." Lauren said . "I'm sorry Lo , its just that I'm worried of losing her to you." I sigh .

"Hey , if Y/n forgave you after so long and is willing to go to any length to keep you safe , then I have no doubt that she loves you unconditionally." Lauren says , encouragingly . "Besides , I have a girlfriend . And if I treat her wrong , I might have to leave the country and change my name to Batista." Lauren jokes and I laugh .

I know its pretty short but I promise to make it longer in the next few chapters . See ya !!

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