Chapter 34

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Your pov

I was watching a video on Youtube called ' Comment Awards ' while I was sipping on my cup of hot chocolate .

You thought coffee ? Ew no , only adults drink that .

Briggan was munching on a piece of meat beside the table so we were just relaxing . I suddenly got a video call from Lauren .

Things between us aren't as awkward as before but we are slowly getting there . I realised I haven't answered the call and I was just staring at my phone screen . I wiped the corner of my lips and answered the call .

"Hey." I greet enthusiastically . I see the green-eyed girls face on the screen with a smile on her face .

"Hey Y/n/n." Lauren giggles at my reaction .

"Sorry I answered so late , I was making myself seem a little bit more presentable." I say as she laughs .

"I can see that , theres still a little bit of hot chocolate foam on you're lip." Lauren points out and I lick my lips .

"Wait , how do you know I drink hot chocolate?" I raise my eyebrow .

"You look mature , but since I know you and you're childish ways . I assume you would drink hot chocolate." she explains . "What?" I ask confused . "Point proven." Lauren chuckles .

"Shut up , I don't want to grow up." I pout .

"What are you Peter Pan?" Lauren jokes and I roll my eyes . "No , that guy is a jerk . He left Tinkerbell for Wendy . I would never do that to Camila." I say and immediately regret it . Lauren's face clearly shows a face of pain .

"Oh shoot , I am so sorry . I mean-" I got cut off by Lauren talking again .

"Its okay , I get it." Lauren smiles slightly . "No its not Laur , you are an amazing girl . You deserve the world , and I hope Ally can give that to you." I say sincerely and she smiles .

"I know she can." Lauren says and I smile . "Treat her right , okay?" I plead and she nods .

We continue talking regularly like the normal friends we were before .

"By the way , how is the investigation going?" she asks . "Going slow really." I sigh . "Its okay , hopefully Louis can help . But not to much or Camila would come over then and kill him." she jokes and I chuckle .

When suddenly my phone starts ringing and the notification pops , blocking half of Lauren's face . "Speaking of Louis , he is calling right now." I said . "Okay , I'll let you two talk then . Ally wants to take me on a date." Lauren smiles sheepishly and I smirk .

"I'm glad , remember what I said . Treat her right or I will hunt you down." I joke and she nods .

"Bye Lo." I wave . "Bye Y/n/n." she says and ends the call .

This time I answer Louis's call . "Hello?" I put the phone against my ear . "Hey Y/n , I uh need you're help." Louis asks . "With what?" I raise my eyebrow at his request .

"The client my uncle is helping out has a few things transported to the place and he asked me to help him arrange it or something." he explains .

"And you're asking me to help?" I chuckle and he groans . "Can you help me or not?" he says again and I roll my eyes . "Yeah , yeah sure man . I'll be there in twenty." I say . "Bye Lou." I say . "Bye Y/n/n." he say then ends the call .

I put down my phone and quickly get myself ready .

I put on my shoes and ask Briggan to stay cause I don't know if he is allowed to come and I didn't ask Louis .

Fortunately , Briggan was feeling lazy and didn't give me those puppy dog eyes and instead just fell asleep . I leave the room and head to the address Louis sent me .

|| Time Skip ||

"Y/n!" Louis greets me with a quick hug .

"Hey there Lou." I reply . "Come on , there are boxes in the place and we just got to unpack them and put them somewhere." he says and I chuckle .

"Don't be so rude , atleast help them decorate a bit . By the way , sweet place." I say , looking at the house .

"Thanks , now lets go . I want to get this over with." he says and I follow him inside .

"Is this client a he or she?" I ask curiously . "A she . She came her for some bussiness according to my uncle." Louis says .

"And here we are." Louis opens a door and I see a whole bunch of boxes .

"This is going to take awhile." I whisper .

"No suprise Sherlock." he says and I glare at him . I help him lift the first box and it already weighed a million .

We start unpacking the stuff and furnish the empty house . "Just because I'm a girl means I'm a good furnisher." I argued . "Isn't that what girls do?" he asks and I roll my eyes .

"Thats stereotyping and have you seen TV shows ? There are some guys who furnish homes the same or even better then girls." I say .

"Then they have a talent for it then." he says . "And maybe you're just bad." I joke and he slaps the back of my head . "Ow." I rub my head and he sticks his tongue out at me .

"Fine I won't help then." I smirk and he shakes his head rapidly .

"Okay , how about we take a break?" he suggests and I nod in aggreement .

While Louis went out to get something to eat , I explored around the house checking all the rooms .

I finished my little adventure and sat down on one of the empty boxes . I felt something poking my hand and I lift it to see a piece of paper with a phone number on it .

Call :

The number looked familiar .

Or maybe I was just overthinking things . "Y/n ! I got food!" I hear Louis yell . I go over and take the food and we start eating .

I was scrolling through my phone with one hand while eating with the other , goinf through my contacts when I spotted a number I had .

The same one on the paper in my contacts . I then remembered that this number had texted me that I shouldn't be working so much . I must've forgotten about it I thought .

If that number belonged to the exposer , could Louis be the exposer ?

I don't know man (Buy CAMILA , its dope af)

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