Chapter 25

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Your pov

I knew at that moment that I wouldn't fall asleep tonight . Or that I would sleep at all after this .

I re-listened to the recording over and over again , trying to tell myself that it was a fake . But every single part of it was real . Too many questions were in my head . Too many with to little answers . Is she the exposer ? She can't be , she died in front of me . Does she hate me for who I am ? No , she doesn't she supports me were the few of the many questions I had .

I hated it . The fact that I had to remember the tragedy that I've tried so hard to put behind me . The images of my mom flashed in my mind as I tried to put this whole mess together . I screamed and threw the closest thing to me to the wall . Which was my army tag .

No one knew my mother or what her voice sounded like .

"She can't be alive , she's gone . I saw it." I mumble to myself . I was pacing around the room , Briggan was looking at me with concern written all over his face but I couldn't calm down . I was hyperventilating , my head was aching and my vision was getting foggy . I listened to the recording again and all I saw while listening to it was the image of my mom , on the ground unconscious .

I blinked my eyes rapidly and tried to breath regularly but I couldn't seem to breath . Here it was again , the feeling of being suffocated again . But this time , I was awake . Conscious and in reality . Not in my mind .

I was having a hard time to breath and all I heard was Briggan barking frantically .

I collapsed onto the ground , trying to take in deep breaths but my vision was fading . Then , I blacked out .

No one's pov

Y/n was unconscious on the floor , Briggan was barking loudly . Trying to get anyones attention .

"Can someone check on room 4123 . We have been getting complaints that the guest's pet there is making to much noise." the desk lady said . A young maid goes to the room and knocks on the door .

"Hello ? Miss , we have been receiving complaints because of you're pet . Can you keep it down?" she said . No one answered . "Hello ? Miss?" the woman opened the door to see Y/n's still unmoving and the wolf barking loudly . She immediately called the manager who called an ambulance .

The paramedics put Y/n on a stretcher before bringing her to the ambulance . Y/n had an oxygen mask attached to her face and an IV needle in her arm .

Briggan was jumping to follow her partner but the paramedics pushed the wolf back . They eventually pushed the wolf back and rushed Y/n to the hospital . Briggan ran after the ambulance at full speed , determined to be there for his best friend . The ambulance stopped at the hospital and brought Y/n in . "Why is there a wolf here?" the lady at the front desk asks .

"He's the patients pet and he seems determined to be there for her . Can you keep him occupied?" the nurse said and the lady nods . "Hey calm down okay big guy ? She'll be fine." the lady tried to calm the wolf down . Briggan shook his head and ran out the door . The lady tried to catch after him but he was to fast for her . Briggan remembering where the One Direction boys hotel was .

He ran into building , past the front desk and went upstairs using the stairs . The smart canine found the room and scratched at the door for attention .

Louis's pov

"I'm coming , I'm coming!" I groaned loudly .

"Who is up so early?" I grumble . I open the door to see Briggan there . He looked awful and distressed . "Briggan ? Hey , wheres Y/n?" I ask looking around for her . He whimpers and bites my shirt , pulling me .

"Woah , where do you think you're taking me?" I ask him . He barks at me loudly and I flinch . "Okay , hold on let me get a bit more better dresses." I put on my jacket and shoes and follow Briggan . We get in the elevator and I click the lobby button . "Where are we going?" I ask the big dog but he keeps quiet .

The elevator dings again and Briggam runs off . I run after him , trying to keep up . "Where are you going?" I yell .

He just ignores my yelling and keeps running . He stops running and I see that we were at a hospital . "What are we doing here?" I ask him . He just shakes his head and drags me inside .

Upon going in , a lady comes up to Briggan and sighs . "Good , you came back." the lady says . "I see you brought support." she says looking at the wolf beside me . "Hi , yeah whats going on?" I ask the lady . "Are you friends with Ms Y/l/n?" she asks and I nod .

"Good." a musculine voice says . I turn around to see a man in a white coat . I assume he's a doctor . "You are?" he asks . "Louis . Louis Tomlinson." I reply . "Well Mr Tomlinson , you're friend , Ms Y/l/n was found unconscious in her hotel room." he says and I stand there shocked .

"She seemed to be in critical condition so we had to treat her immediately." the docor says sadly .

"Is she okay?" I ask , panicked . "She's fine . She seems to have been seeing a therapist and has also been given medication . But it seems Ms Y/l/n has been lacking sleep and her condition is getting worst . Another big issue is that she is in a coma." he says and I gasp . "But we are glad she had a faithful companion to call for help." he looks at Briggan . "We are very sorry sir . I'll let you take this in." and with that he left .

I didn't think twice and called the rest of the boys . They were upset and first but worried when I mentioned that Y/n was in the hospital .

I was pacing back and forth in the hallway when someone called me . "Louis!" I hear Harry yell . "Guys!" I hug them . "How is she?" they ask . "The doctor said that her condition is getting worst." I whisper . "Where is she now?" Zayn asks . "In a coma." I reply .

Well damn

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