Chapter 24

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Your pov

"This is me , in all my glory!" I groan loudly as I fell off the bed .

"Ow , bad idea." I mumble . I looked at the clock to see it was 10:47 pm . "Shoot , I slept in." I sigh getting up on my feet . I felt Briggan nudging my leg and I instantly remembered I haven't given him food yet . "Here." I gave him a chunk of meat from the fridge .

For myself , I just had a bowl of cereal . I was happily eating when my phone started buzzing , signifying that someone was calling me . "Does everyone really have to call me when I'm at peace?" I groans frustratedly .

"Hello?" I answer my phone . "Hey baby , bad timing?" I hear Camila's voice say . "Sort off , but its okay." I smile , suddenly feeling a bit happy at hearing her voice . "Whats up?" I ask . "Well , I called you three times earlier but you didn't pick up." she whined and I could feel her pouting on the other side . "Sorry my love , I actually just woke up." I shyly admit .

"Thats okay , atleast you got a good nights rest , right?" Camila says and I chuckle . "I did sleep pretty well." I smile . "Good , thats what I want to hear." Camila says in a motherly tone . "Have you been hanging out with Ally a lot recently?" I ask the brunette . "Yeah , why?" she says . "She seems to be rubbing off of you , you sound just like a mother." I say and she giggles .

"Anyways , how are you and the girls?" I ask . It was silent for a moment . "Mila?" I call , afraid she wasn't there . "I'm here." Camila answers . "How are they?" I ask again . "Um Y/n , can I ask you something?" she whispers and I hum in response . "Do you still love Lauren?" she asks and I was shockes but didn't hesitate to reply .

"Of course not , I'm with you aren't I?" I assure her . "Why?" I question , curious as to why she asked me that . "Lauren said she still loved you." Camila mumbles . "Well , I told her to move on . I am one hundred percent that I love you and you only." I say with confidence in my voice .

"Promise?" she whispers . "Cross my heart and hope to die." I reply warmly . "Don't be so insecure babe . Its never about what people see , its about what they see in you . And what I see is a beautiful person , inside and out." I say . "I love you Y/n/n , I wish you could be here." she says . "Me to me amòr." I say . We continue to talk on and on for hours on end until she told me that she needed to go get ready to go out with the girls .

"Bye!" she says . "Bye Mila." I say and end the call .

I put my phone down and drink the remaining milk in my bowl then put in the sink . I plopped down onto the couch beside Briggan who was asleep and picked up the remote . I flicked through various channels , not really finding interest in any of them .

I was getting bored and wanted to do something . I got up and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower . I came out with a towel wrapped around me and my hair all wet . I put on a simple T-Shirt , jeans and canvas shoes . I was drying my hair when my phone started ringing . I picked it up to see Louis calling me . "Hello?" I answer .

"Hey Y/n , just asking if you wanted to come over to (random restaurant) to work on the song." Louis says . "Oh yeah , I'm so sorry . I totally forgot , I'll be there in twently." I apologize . "Wow , now I'm offended." he says . "Hey , I said I was sorry . I'm coming over now." I say and he chuckles . "Just get yourself over here quickly." he says . "Okay , bye . See you later." I say . "See you later." he says before hanging up .

I quickly brush my hair and wake Briggan up to tag along . "Sorry buddy , but you have to come along." I say and he howls .

I smile at him and grab my pendrive from the table with the song the  head out the door . We make our way to where Louis said he was and entered the restaurant . I saw him at a table waving his hand at me . I walk over to the table and sit down . "Hey Louis , did I waste you're time?" I ask and he shakes his head .

"You're good." he says and I smile . "Well , here is the lyrics of the song." I show him a piece of paper with the lyrics on it . I didn't bring my journal with me cause if I lost it , I would probably go insane . I know I dipped it in blood , but since the girls gave this to me , its means more to me .

We start discussing about the pitches and tone of the song while enjoying a bit of pastries and coffee .

"And thats it." I clap and he grins . "Now time to record." he says , standing up . "You already have a studio?" I ask . "No , we booked one . Well I did." he explains and I nod . The building wasn't that far , it was only a three minute walk which didn't affect my feet much along with Briggan .

We entered the building and headed to the elevators . Once we got in , me and Briggan just stood there , afraid there was another security camera watching .

The elevator dinged and we got out . "Here we are." Louis says , opening the door to the studio . It wasn't to big or cozy , just comfy . I take out my pendrive and connect it to the computer there . Louis was already in the booth and I rolled my eyes and how enthusiastic he was . He gave me a thumbs up before I played the song .

Damn , he really is enthusiastic I say to myself . Once he was finished , it was my turn to get in the booth . I recorded my parts of the song and before I know it , I was done . "Nice job Y/n." Louis says . "You too man." I reply and he grins . We start editing the audio before we save it in my pendrive . "I have to admit Tomlinson , that was good." I say . "Well Y/l/n , what can I say ? It was a pleasure working with you." he says and I laugh .

"Same here." I say . We continue talking a bit more before we had to go . "Well , I got to go . Its getting late and Briggan here seems tired." I pointed at the half asleep wolf beside me . "Sure , see you later Y/n!" he says . I wave at him before leaving the studio .

|| Time Skip ||

I was in my pyjamas , in the hotel , on the bed . I was scrolling through Twitter when I stumbled upon another recording of my exposer from fans . I clicked on the video and listened closely .

"How do you think she survived in the forest for so long?" the voice says . I was frozen . Unmoving . That voice , that tone . I knew it all to well . It was Veronica . Veronica Y/l/n .

My mother


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