Chapter 10

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Your pov

It kinda hurt . What am I saying ?

It hurts brutally . Not physically but more mentally . What even hurt more was that I looked at the girl's Instagram story and saw them all having fun . They didn't seem buzy .

I may sound clingy but I just really need support right now . I let out a long sigh as I looked outside my hotel window . It was more of a suite so it was pretty big . Big enough for me and Briggan to live comfortably . I was bored of sitting around and overthinking things so I grabbed my leather jacket and told Briggan to stay put while I walk around .

I walked around barely noticed by anyone which I was glad for . I'm not even fully healed from the last assault . Yes , I was known here in Korea and the fans here can be nuts but they are also real loyal which I appreciate .

I shivered at how cold it was and zipped up my jacket . It was June which meant it was summer but it was real cold . Probably because I was given the cold shoulder by the girls . I walked around , admiring how beautiful it was here .

You know when people say that you can find warmth with you're loved ones ? I never really believed them and said that you can find warmth in blankets and fur but now I know . When you're alone , it feels cold and numb . I immediately got a song idea and went back to the hotel so I wouldn't lose my idea . "Hey boy , I have a song idea." I smiled and he barked .

I grabbed my journal that I write my songs in and start writing . I was in Korea , so I made the song in Korean . I spent hours writing , wasting most of my day thinking of the lyrics . But I didn't care , better than blaming you're friends right ?

*Time Skip*

Its been been a week . At first I was uncertain whether or not to release I wrote , but now I feel like I have too .

I alreadh recorded at a studio here in Korea which Scooter helped me in . I couldn't really start on the music video since my crew was over in America and all I can do is release the dance video . I packed my stuff in my duffle bag and whistled from Briggan to come . We we're on our way to a dance studio that I rented for the day to record my dance video .

Instead of taking a cab or a bus , we walked . So I had more time to think of what has happened over this week . The girls said they would be there for me , they never visit me and this exposer is getting closer to the truth everyday .

We arrived at the place and I opened the door to the studio .

I set down my things over to the side and set up my camera . "Alright Brigs , all you got to do is push this button when the music stops." I tell the big dog . He barks and I smile a sincere smile .

"Thanks boy." I pet his head and start the music .

The music stops and I jog to the camera to see the video . "Alright , that looks good . We'll use that." I said . "Thats a wrap." I say and Briggan barks happily . I start recording again of just me and Briggan messing around and having fun . If the girls are aloud to have fun , why not me ?

I ended the recording and took my camera and packed my stuff and headed back to the hotel . I re-open my journal and open a fresh new page and title it ' Comeback ' . Sounds like a good name for my third album I say to myself .

I write down the song Spring Day and close the book and put it aside . I switched on the TV and watched some random channel in Korean . Ofcourse , I knew Korean so I could understand .

I take out my camera and laptop then transfer the video from my camera to my laptop and post it on Youtube and Instagram for fans to see .

Camila's pov

Yes , I felt guilty . Extremely guilty . We said we we're buzy when we're actually having fun in the studio , not exactly buzy .

We or I could have atleast called her but no , I didn't . I was scrolling through Twitter to see fans tweeting out a brand new hashtag .

@Nekokun : Poor Y/n/n , all alone . We are her friends ? #truefriends

@Y/nstan : Shes in Korea people ! Comfort her when someone exposes her ! #truefriends

@Y/n'sWifu : Was it the girls ? #truefriends

"Girls ! Check this out!" I call the girls who were messing around .

"What is it Camz?" Lauren asks . "Theres a new trending hashtag." I said . "So?" Dinah asks . "Theres really no problem." Mani points out . "No , it has something to do with Y/n." I whisper and they perk up .

"Its probably another fan hashtag or something." Ally says , still confused . "No , the hashtag is true friends." I say and show them . "Check Y/n's Instagram Mila." Ally says and I click out of Twitter and to Instagram then find my girlfriend's account . Immediately we saw her latest post .

*Spring Day clip*

@Y/ig/n : You know it all You’re my best friend 아침은 다시 올 거야 어떤 어둠도 어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까


"Wait , how about her Youtube channel." Lauren says and we all quickly go to Youtube and see her latest video .

We didn't understand at first but when we switched on subtitles , we knew everything .

"We caused this." I mumble . "We caused this." I say a little bit louder for the girls to here . "We couldn't be there for her cause we we're ' buzy '." I made air quotations with my fingers . "But here we are just messing around." I say . I grip my hair in frustration and let out a sigh . "We could've atleast called her." I whisper .

"We could've atleast tried."


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