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Your pov

I stood on my balcony , looking at the night sky . My hands holding onto the railings .

I heard the sound of footsteps behind me but I didn't turn .

"Hey baby." Camila whispered as she snaked her arms around my waist .

"Hey." I answer shortly . "You okay?" Camila asked , clearly worried .

I nodded and smiled , turning my head to look at her . "Better then ever." I took her hands in mine .

"You don't , regret it ? I mean you're exposed to the world and Aunt Grace." Camila said with hurt in her voice , scared I would leave or breakdown

"Don't think about it so much . I'm sure the news will come out soon." I say assuringly . "News?" the brunette looks at me confused .

"I sued the company that tried to expose me . It will make headlines once its public." I say . "As for Aunt Grace , I don't know . I just need some time." I sigh .

"I'm sorry you found out that way." Camila said , rubbing her thumb over my knuckles .

"Its , okay but not really ? I don't know." I laugh bitterly . "I guess , I depended on her to much huh?" I look at the Cuban . "No , I mean you were only twelve . At that age you still need someone to depend on especially when you just lost someone." Camila comforts and I smile softly .

"You know , I've made a lot of bad choices these past few days." I say and Camila looks at me worriedly .

"But choosing to love you , come back , are the most life changing choices for me." I say .

"So , I have no doubt in doing this." I say before pulling out a ring and putting it on Camila's finger .

"Y/n , I-" she began to tear up but I closed the gap between us to silence her . I pulled away and whispered

"I did so much to be here for you , and I never will regret it"

GAHHHH , ITS OVER . Sorry its so short but I have more books I want to make . Like For My World . Its another Tracer x you so check it out . Also there will be two different endings so stay tuned .

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