Chapter 41

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Your pov

"But I don't like the look of it." Liam whines .

"Liam , just close you're eyes and take a bite . It tastes great." I try to convince him but he stays stubborn .

Liam hesitantly closes his eyes and goes for a bite but immediately pulls away and starts gagging .

"Seriously dude , you have , uh what do you call it ? A baby mouth." Harry teases and we all start laughing . 

"Shut up , I have a weak stomach." Liam frowns and we all continue laughing . "Okay man , whatever." Zayn wipes a tear .

While the boys were talking , Briggan was nipping at my sleeve and I gave him the rest of my salmon that I couldn't finish .

I was taking a sip of my soda when someone patted my back a little a bit to hard making me spit out a bit of it .

"Sorry Y/n , but I just wanted to tell you we got to start packing if we want to make it to the studio in time." Louis explains .

"Do that again and I'll pour this on you." I threaten .

"And it will take more than a simple sorry next time." I say with a smirk .

He nods in fear and I started packing my stuff .

Scooter had booked a studio for me to start or continue working on my album . He even suggested booking the studio for a few more days next month but I made sure he just booked for today .

I was determined to go home soon and not by next week . 

I don't think my heart can even handle being alone anymore longer . 

"And done." I wipe the sweat dripping off my face . "Wow , you're quick." Louis says as he continued packing his stuff .

"Or maybe you're just slow." I fire back and he acts offended . "Ouch." he puts a hand on his heart . "It hurts , right here." he wipes a fake tear .

"Don't cry you're diamonds Lou . Even if they're fake." I chuckle and he laughs .

"Oh Y/n , please have mercy on his soul." Niall says and we all burst out laughing .

After we all calm down , we finish packing up and head out of the campsite . Louis was driving , Niall , Zayn and Harry were talking , Liam was asleep and I was just on my phone . Catching up on any news .

I know it seemed like a bad idea to be on social media from what happened last time . Especially during a time like this , but I was on a different acount that no one knew was mine . 

Think of it like an alternate account thats just any other normal account that posts cat pictures .

And let me tell you I post the greatest cat pictures on this account .

I was doing my usual thing , liking posts , seeing new trends and or news when something caught my eye .

A picture of the girls , Bebe and Dua .

I was glad they were getting along great and all but it was the sinking feeling in my stomach that made it hurt .

I wished I was there .

To spend time with my friends , my family , my loved ones . And my everything .

Before I could even do anything , the car came to a stop and we had already arrived at the studio .

Does time fly or speed by ? I ask myself .

"Alright , we're here . See you Y/n." Louis said . "See you guys soon . Which will be really soon." I chuckle and they all wave .

I get out the car with Briggan and my backpack off stuff and entered building .

|| Time Skip ||

I was bored out of my mind .

I didn't have any inspiration which really sucked .

Half the time I was procrastinating by listening to music , watching random Youtube videos and playing around .

In my opinion , the studio isn't a really great place to come up with song ideas . Sure , there are plenty of artists out there who make hit songs in the studio .

But for me , I can't really get any inspiration in here .

Continuing to procrastinate , I was on Instagram when I stumbled upon one of those moments videos .

It was me and Camila through the years we've been together .

It was twenty minutes but watching it felt like years . And not the bad kind .

It made me feel like I was going through memory lane .

The time when the earthquake happened and Camila helped me out of the hospital when I was discharged .

The day me and Camila went to the beach with the rest of the girls .

And the day the girls pranked me during one of my shows .

It was a bittersweet video . The memories that me and Camila have made over the years were the best of my life but it killed me that I won't be able to make more while I'm practically stranded here .

I sighed heavily and switched off my phone , putting it aside .

Then , something hit me .

I was being selfish .

I know it seems like some kind of clichè quote when nothing is happening but its true .

I've been thinking about how painful it is for me to be alone when Camila could be feeling the same .

The way I just flat out left for Korea . If I truly trusted them I would have stayed because I'd knew that they have my back .

The way I bluntly told them I wanted to come out as a werewolf to the world .

Yeah , it will affect my career but not only mine . The girls aswell .

And I know how hard they've worked to get to this point . This was and still is they're dream .

While I'm just here trying to bring them down .

I guess we both we're in the wrong .

But we all learn from our mistakes to do it right the next time .

So thats what I'll do , do it right .

I'll put the ones I love as my priority . And for the sake of the girls , I'll take care of myself more .

Yeah , for the better

Sorry I've been taking longer than usual to update and it seems like the chapters are done more sloppy . My phone had to be fixed and in between that I tried to update here and there just to keep you all satisfied . Again , I am so sorry .

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