Chapter 39

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Your pov

I yawned and stretched my numb arms to try and stay awake a few more hours .

I've been non-stop thinking and I feel like buying a new brain .

I groaned when I felt thirsty and got up to get a glass of water . As I was getting the water bottle from the kitchen counter I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and frowned .

Dark bags were visible under my eyes and and my clothes looked all wrinkled . I look like a hot mess . And not the good kind I thought .

I sat back down at the desk where my laptop was and continued the research I was doing .

My brain pretty much blanked out on me after that . I didn't know what I was doing and just let my body move while my mind rested .

Soon enough , I found myself sleeping on the desk with my amrs folded in front of me .

I stretched my arms and yawned trying to wake myself up a little bit more .

I looked at my laptop to see nothing really changed . I guess I just fell asleep I figured and got up .

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot chocolate . I sat down at the couch where Briggan was sleeping and held the warm mug in my hands . "My back is killing me." I groaned .

As I put down my cup , my phone started ringing and I groaned even louder .

I stood up and grabbed up my phone then sat back down . I answered the call , not even bothering to see who was calling me .

"Hello?" I greeted . God you can even hear the sleepiness in my voice I internally face palmed myself .

"Hey Y/n , long time no hear." I hear the voice chuckle . "Hey Scooter , and sorry . Just been real stressed out here." I apologize .

"I know kid , but I'm so sorry for this . But you need to work on you're album , and so I'm giving you a deadline." he says .

"Okay then when?" I ask .

"A week." he answers and my eyes widen . I start to think about the pros of cons .

The faster I finish , the faster I can go back home . But if I rush , it won't be insipirational and more like something that was fractured out of a machine I started to think .

"Hello Y/n , you still there?" Scooter's voice snapped me back to reality .

"Yeah , sorry just thinking . And yeah I can do it." I replied . "Sorry Y/n , I know its hard . Its just you've been taking a lot of breaks and we need you to still make sure you're fans think you're still alive." he jokes and I chuckle .

"Yeah okay." I said , glancing at the clock on the wall .

"Have you worked on it at all?" he asks and I hum in response . "Yeah I have." I said and smiled .

"Great to here." he says . "Anyways , I have a meeting in a few . Hope you can finish you're album kiddo , bye!" he says . "Thanks Scoot , bye." I say and hang up .

I groaned and plopped down onto the couch . I know I agreed to this but I just can't help but feel like someone just added more stuff on my plate .

I grabbed my cup of hot chocolate and tried to relax .

I knew I needed assistance but I guess my ego had gotten the better of me .

Now I'm on my own with the task of proving that I'm able to handle this alone .

I can right ?

Camila's pov

The girls and I were in the studio , discussing about our next tour in the future but I was to buzy day-dreaming .

"Mila!" Ally yelled for my attention . I hummed in response and see everyone looking at me .

"Did you hear what Simon said?" Lauren asked and I shake my head .

"Well , while you were day-dreaming , Simon said we have a performance at the VMA'd in a week!" Ally cheered .

I smiled and nodded , not really showing much enthusiasm . .

The girls continued discussing with Simon and I continued my endless random thoughts in my head .

|| Time Skip ||

"What if Y/n comes back that night?" I sigh .

We were all in the van , on the way back to the 5H house when I realised something .

"Mila , don't worry . She'll tell us if she does." Dinah says .

"And if she does?" I ask and they all keep silent .

"Then we can't pick her up." Lauren says . "So thats it ? You're going to leave her?" I ask , raising my voice a little .

"She is deciding to come out as a werewolf to the world . She said she could handle it." Lauren argues .

"And you said she needed help!" I fire back .

The entire van is quiet .

An awkward silence fills the space and I sigh .

"I just want to be there for her." I whisper .

"We all do Mila , we all owe her so much . Even more now after what we've done to her." Normani says .

"So , what do we do now?" Dinah asks and they all look at me .

"We wait."

Your pov

"No ! Why would you do this to me!" I cry dramatically as Briggan runs away with my packet of candy .

"Please , I payed three won for that." I reached my hand out but ultimately failed and face palmed onto the ground .

"You don't even like that type of candy!" I said .

Someone started knocking on the door . I got up and opened the door to see Louis . "Woah , you look messed up." he says .

"Yeah thanks." I rolled my eyes and let him in .

"Whats up?" I ask and sat down on the couch .

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to tag along with the boys and I." he said . "Where?" I raise my eyebrow .

"A forest actually , thats why we wanted to ask." he said and I shrugged . "Sure let me get ready." I say and he nodded .

Maybe I could get my mind off things .

Won is South Korea's currency by the way .

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