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I posted to my IG Day:

With the caption: home af 💔✨🌹 what's left that is

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With the caption: home af 💔✨🌹 what's left that is

I was referring to my rose picture, hanging in Ash's room, which was my room

"You ready girl?" Said Jess, walking in looking sexy af.

"Yeah" I put my phone into my back pocket and grabbed my little wallet thing.

We walked out and got into an Uber that Ash called for.

"Take us to LA Supreme" Jess told the driver. I sat between the two, seeing my reflection in the review mirror- look what a fucking mess you are...

"I can't believe he paid for this, it's fucking beautiful" Jesse grabbed my arm, examining the tattoo.

I pull my arm away, feeling- protective?

"Damn girl, he's got you wrapped around his nail polished finger" Jesse joked, but I felt somewhat offended.

"Leave her alone Jesse" Ash laughed.


We got to the club and stood in line for a split second before Beau the bodyguard noticed us, allowing us to the front line.

"Long time no see Jesse, Olivia, and ....Ashley!? What's up girl?"

"None much, how are you Beau"

"With the hustle, y'all have a great night" he said as we walked in. She kissed his cheek before coming in after us.

We went through the neon hallway and landed in front of a crowded bar stand and a dance floor. The place was in a craze- I held onto Jess's arm as we continued through the crowd.

We sat in a booth and Ash went for the drinks, coming back a few seconds later with three shots, "the waiter is bringing more in a few"

Jess placed one in front of me. She swigs hers down in one motion, Ash mirrored her action- as for me, it took a moment for me to place it against my lips.

"Drink it down" Ash said, tilting the glass up my my lipss.

"How are you ladies doing tonight" the waiter came and set the drinks down. Ash and Jess replied with the excitement that I wasn't apart of.

Fuck it. I started taking in the drinks.

"Come on let's go dance!" Jess yanked my arm to the dance floor as Ash followed behind us.

I honesty didn't want to be drunk there- I wanted to be drunk with Peep- so with that being said, there was a big difference between where I was- and where I wanted to be.

I stood there as they danced- and before you know it I was alone, looking around- twirling with my unconscious self.

"Aye girl" a pair of hands wrapped around my waist, I turn in his arms and saw that it wasn't Peep- so I shoved him away.

I walked, more like stumbled my way to our booth- where's my purse? After a minute of searching, I thought fuck it.

I walked away from the table and stumbled toward the back of the place- pulling out my phone. Went into the women's bathroom and took a stall. Fucking bitch ass Peep.

I sank down to the floor, knowing I was about to drunk dial Peep.

I pressed into his contacts and called him- it rang and went to voicemail so I called again. Nothing. Then again, nothing. On my final try. Someone answered,

"Who the fuck are calling up Gus bitch"

I laugh, of fuck- it was Cassie.

"Can you put Peep on the phone, I need to tell him something very important"

"Are you fucking kidding, he doesn't want to speak to your ugly ass"

"Can you tell him" I started to have the hiccups, "that I drank down four shot of Vodak and two shots of tequila- and I lose my purse"

"As if he gives a fuck" she laughed, then hung up. I sat there and started to text the number:

Los my prse

Mmm dnk

Your gf clld me ugley

She a bch

I pressed sent to each and waited for a reply but got a call instead

"Hello" I say.

I heard his laugh, "Are you okay?"

"I fucking texted you, don't ask me that stupid shit- I said I lose my purse, Cassie called me ugly, your bitch ass friend called me out on Instagram- and you don't give a fuck"

I ended the call and sat there- pressing decline each time he tried to call.

"Twenty four," decline.

"Twenty five" decline.

"Twenty six" decline.

At number 34, he stopped and texted me:

Your something special...

I read that bullshit with my drunk vision, like what the shit.... if I was something special I wouldn't be in a restroom stall at a bar, feeling like shit.

Photograph #9//Lil Peep || RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now