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January 18th 2018- Peep's POV

She woke up, but I couldn't be there... I wasn't allowed to see her- turns out her mom put a restraining order on me. Granted by the court and sent me papers to sign- so I did. I was back to where I started, hiding myself in my room, downing pills and slept... Only checking my phone, if Pigeon updated anything... but nothing each day.

Sometimes, at night my mom would come in and read me a story. She would read on the bed as I laid on the floor listening- I loved her voice. How she would change it up when different characters had a dialogue. And a few times, I wouldn't be listening- instead I would just stare into her face- feeling so... lucky to have her in my life. I think I've told her that every night before I went to sleep- just so she would know.


March 11th 2018

I finally decided to go to LA- because it was almost her birthday. I had the wrapped up gift under my arm- walking out the terminal and having fans come up to asking for pictures.

"When will you release any new music?"
Honesty, I dont know kid, but I could tell him that- so I didn't speak.

"Is that present for Pigeon?" One asked, I didn't answer.

"We love you Gus" I heard a girl. Just as I got into my Uber, I replied, "I love you too"

At the hotel, I took a shower and had a change of clothes. Then called up an Uber to take me to her address.

And just as we approached the bridge from the freeway, I saw someone standing there, I looked back and knew it was her. So instead of getting off in front of her house- I told the guy to stop near the entrance to the bridge.

I hopped out and there she was- standing into the distance- at the center of the bridge looking down- holding the fence.

"Pigeon!" I yell, waving and smiling. I ran to her and the more I came closer she had this confused look on her face.

Just as I was about to hug her, she took a few steps back and pushed me away, "I think your confusing me with someone else"

I blink, realizing what has happened. She came out the hospital with a memory loss. So in that moment, I played along.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were this girl I knew"

She laughed, "Its okay-" then her eyes looked down to the present in my hand, "What's that?"

"It's a camera" I say.

"Really? What kind?"

I laugh, realizing that I didn't know- "I don't know, I just bought it"

"That's very bad- you should always know what kind of camera you have- because sometime these stupid retail brands will rip you off- if you not careful... you could be spending $200 on a x200 lenses when you could get a x240 for the same prose" she explains.

"How do you know that?"

"I have a shit ton of cameras at home- I'm a photographer- well I was- for now, I'm just home-" she laughed, "Trying to put all the pieces together"

"What pieces" I ask.

She laughed, "That is none of your business"

We had a moment of eye contact before she spoke, "Why so many tattoos?"

I sit down, setting the wrapped present by my side, "Come on, sit down and I'll tell you"

For the next thirty minutes I explain all the tattoos I had- like I did when we first met. and suddenly she looked away, "I think I gotta go"


"But could you meet me here, 2 days from know"

I didn't speak. She waited for me to answer.

"Could you meet me here two days from now, evening time?"

I nodded my head, leaving me where I left her. (refer back to #21, last sentence)

Photograph #9//Lil Peep || RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now