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Back in LA, back in Olivia's POV...
We stood in line for a movie, laughing at this old women with her husband- they we're arguing about who was to hold the popcorn. The lady walked away with the bucket, eating it alone- as the husband rolled his eyes.

"That's so sad" I tell Jacob as the line moved forward.

"Shame on her" Jacob laughed and I agreed.

"So how's the traveling? Must be nice" Jacob asked.

"It's okay, we all have bad insomnia- but Peep and Bex are planning on moving out to Paris-"

"Do you think they're gay?"

What a question...

"I think if you want the right answer you have to ask them yourself" I say.

"I mean it's obvious, Peep dresses like a fucking weirdo, wears nail polish, and goes about the place kissing everybody's cheeks- especially landing a few on his friends- which I find incredibly disturbing"

Why not be a weirdo? Why not wear nail polish? Why not be an affectionate human being? I didn't see why all those things were disturbing? I mean- if you don't like that shit, don't fucking look.

But instead of saying those things I shrug my shoulder not wanting to make this date as awkward as I felt inside.

"Shit makes no sense" he said again.

But I had something to say to that, "As if this whole fucking world makes sense"

We didn't speech for a moment.

"So what do you want to watch, since we're almost to the window?" He asked. I looked at the menu screen, why should I suggest a movie if I know what type of individual you are...

"You pick it" I reply, dropping my head.

We ended up watching Wonder Woman, the most basic shit that was showing- knowing for a fact that if Peep and I was here- picking out a movie, we'd probably watch the one with the lowest rating..... so we could sit alone in that theater, the rows of seats- entirely our own for a good two hours- away from the world. Just us two.

"It was fun."said Jacob, when we pulled into a parking spot outside Jesse and Ash's apartment building. I wasn't about to have him drop me off at my mom's- like fuck that shit. No guy deserves to know where you live....until proven.

I nodded my head, "Yeah it was"

I grabbed for the door handle when he leaned over and kissed my lips. So fucking uncalled for. My eyes shot wide open, pulling away as fast as I could.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I thought-" he said, having this apologetic look on his face. I shake my head no, "It's okay- I was just caught by surprise"

Words were being exchanged and next you know, I was explaining how I was in high school, trying very hard to use the correct terms and leaving out a few things for the sake of keeping the conversation rated G, "And I know what I did wasnt healthy- but it helped fill this.... void"

He grabbed my hands into his, "But all that's behind you right?"

I don't know if I meant it but I said, "Yeah, it is"

Photograph #9//Lil Peep || RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now