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Song of the Chapter: 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins

"And we don't know just where our bones will rest.."
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I lie on the cold table. There's a bright light directly in front of me that blinds me. My body is cold and I look down and see myself in a navy blue hospital gown and my feet resting on stirrups. Goosebumps rise on my skin and I begin to shake.

"Okay Jasmine," a voice says from the darkness, "you're prepped and ready for the procedure. How are you feeling?"

"Nervous. Is this going to hurt?" I reply.

"You'll feel some discomfort and cramping, but that will go away very soon."

"Okay." I say. The doctor appears and he sits in front of my open legs. A figure from the darkness appears and hands him his tools. The doctor gives me a smile before putting on his mask and begins with the abortion.

I let out a gasp as the medial instrument enters me. Am I alone? A hand holds mine and I see Jack right next to me. He looks at me and his gaze is cold and hard.

I suck on my teeth as I feel a sharp pain. "That hurts!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'll be gentle." The doctor says.

"You're doing fine, Jasmine." A voice from the darkness says.

"You're killing it." Paige's voice says.
"Paige?" I ask.

"Murderer!" She shouts.

"Ow! It-it hurts!" I say.

"The baby is really in there." The doctor chuckles. "Nurse? Bring me my tool."

"Does he know what you're doing?" Paige says. She steps from the darkness and her eyes are focused to my right side. I glance over and see Shawn instead of Jack. Shawn holds my hand and smiles at me.

"You're doing great, baby." Shawn says to me. "Our baby is gonna be out any minute."

"Here you are, Doctor." There's the sound of a machine whirring and I feel an increasing amount of pain.

I open my mouth and let out a shout of pain. "Shawn! Make him stop!"

"Oh, but you're almost done!" Shawn says as he smiles at me. "How far along Doctor?"

"Stop!" I yell. There's loud whirring and more chuckling.

"Oh, looks like I'm going to have to use my hands!" He tossed the machine to the side and spreads my legs wider. I feel his hands inside me and I scream out in pain.

"Stop!" I shout. "It hurts! Stop it!"
"Murderer!" Paige yells in my ear.
"Almost done!" The doctor says.
"It hurts! It hurts! Stop!"
"You're doing good, baby!" Shawn says.

"No! Stop it! It hurts!"
"Murderer! Murderer!"
"Almost there!"
"You're doing good baby!"
"It hurts!"
"Almost there!"
"Baby, you're doing wonderful!"

There's the sound of a high pitched cry and all the commotion ceases. Shawn let's go of my hand and his eyes go wide. He stands up and moves to the doctors side before placing a hand over his mouth. "Our baby is here!"

"Would you like to show mommy?" The nurse says. She wraps the baby up in a blanket and hands it to Shawn.

Shawn begins to sing an eerie lullaby to it and he walks over to me. "He's our baby, mommy." Shawn shows me the blanket of the discarded baby. The blanket is covered in blood and Shawn smiles at me.

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