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Song of the Chapter: Don't Wanna Fight - Alabama Shakes

"Why can't I catch my breath? / I'm gonna work myself to death."

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The tequila goes down my throat and I set the empty glass down on the table before grabbing onto the green lime that was coated lightly with salt. I place the sour fruit into my mouth and suck before placing it down on my napkin. Eric looks at me and takes hit shot glass while Braden laughs at Elisa as she makes a sour face.

"How is it that the kid can handle her liquor, but not you?" He chuckles deeply.

"The kid," I begin, "is twenty three!"

"To us you'll always be the nineteen year old we trained." Elisa replies. "And sent out on coffee runs."

I playfully roll my eyes and look at my watch - 12:27. As much as I want to go home and crawl into bed, I don't know if I should leave. After all, my boss invited me or for drinks. I wouldn't want to look bad.

"How ready are you for Fenn?" Braden asks me.

"I'm ready! My dad is such a fan of him. He squealed like such a girl when he found out I was interviewing him." I say. "I've caught some of his highlights, too. He's such a good player! And he's cute, too."

"Lucky." Braden says.

"Aw, is someone heartbroken they don't have Mendes?" Elisa teases. The mention of him makes me flinch. I pass it off as the air conditioning being too cold.

"Yes!" Braden says. "And I would've got to hug him, too! Fuck!"

Just as I am about to think about his hugs, I stop myself and grab my beer and take another drink. Braden goes on and on about Shawn and I just find a way to drown his words out. Hey, look at me! Drowning out talk of my ex. Go, you! If Dr. Jillian could see me now. She'd be happy. One small step for getting over him, one big leap for Jasmine.

"We're gonna head out." Elisa says. "Want to split a cab with us?" She asks me.

"I think I'll stay for one more drink." I say while looking at Eric, who smirks, then look back at Elisa. "But I'll see you both tomorrow."

"Good night," Braden says to us as he and Elisa leave for the night.

"Night," I say with a small wave. Eric looks at me as he waves down a waitress.

"Four more shots of tequila, please." He says.

"No," I say, "two, please."

"Four shots of tequila. Thank you." Eric says.

"You are trying to get me drunk, aren't you?" I ask as the waitress walks away. Eric smirks and then shakes his head.

"No. I don't take advantage of my employees." He replies. "You just got a promotion. You should be drinking until your liver hates you."

"I wouldn't want to show up to work hungover tomorrow." I reply.

"Smart move. But you deserve it. And we have fresh coffee in the work room."

"I'm not a coffee person." I shrug.
"Really?" Eric asks with a small raise of an eyebrow.

"People are so shocked to hear that. What, is it some kind of sin to not like coffee?"

"No. Just inhumane." He says. I laugh and he smiles just as our waitress returns with our drinks. The tequila shots are handed to us and I give out a sigh as I realize that I'll have to have something big to eat after this, resulting in a cheat on my diet. "It's just these two shots and then we can go."

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