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Song of the Chapter: Woman - Harry Styles

"I'm empty, I know / And promises are broken like stitches"
- -

My heart continued to beat rapidly and for a minute, I forgot who and where I was. It took sixty seconds to feel like sixty minutes for my mind to register what just happened. She's here. Jasmine is here. I don't even realize that I've arrived at the club when the driver snaps his fingers at me. I snap out of my thought and look at him.

"Ten fifty-seven." He says as he points to the meter.

I reach into my pocket, give him three hundred dollars, and exit the cab before he can thank me. I close the door behind me and place my wallet back in my pocket as I walk up to the club Jack and Paige were at. Suddenly it hits me - Jack didn't want me to go to the house because he didn't want me to see Jasmine.

The bouncer has to do a double take before realizing that it's me and he lets me in while the people that waited in line stood in awe. The club entrance hall was lit with red lighting and as I walked further inside, the music became louder and louder. I pull back a black curtain and see the club scene before me.

So many people are packed together in the spacious room. There's people clambering around the bar even though there's some girls walking around with trays giving out shots. The lights are flashing from red to blue to purple, adding onto the clubs name of being naughty.

Jack mentioned that they were in a VIP lounge and I recognized the leggy blonde that always turned away the advances of men as she danced. A smile creeps upon my lips as I walk past the people and make my way to the friend who I hadn't seen in four years. I stand behind her while she dances with a drink in her hand. Paige turns around and opens her eyes as she feels the presence of someone standing before her. The drink falls from her hands and it breaks against the floor, but the people, and her, are too drunk to care.

"Shawn!" Paige exclaims as she throws her arms up in the air and hugs me. I laugh and wrap my arms around her frame and hug her back. "I missed you so much!"

I rub my hand up and down her back and I kiss the side of her head. "It's good to see you, too, P."

We pull apart from our hug and her hands find their way to my face and she looks at me. She has a sad smile on her face and I think to myself, Oh, God, she wants to talk about the breakup. But instead she smiles widely and hugs me again before pulling apart once more.

"What brings you to the city?" She asks me.
"Interview for a sports issue in a magazine." I reply.

"Oh, what magazine?"
"I don't really know. My manager hasn't said yet."

Paige nods her head and smiles at me once more. "I haven't seen you since the fight." I nod my head and we both take a seat on the red leather couch in the VIP lounge.

"Yeah, it's been a while. How are you?" I reply.

"I've been good. I love my kids so much. They make being a teacher so full of life and love. The other day, I asked them to draw what they wanted to be when they grow up, and this little boy drew you. It was the cutest thing ever! I have it at the house, I can swing by your hotel and show it to you." Paige says.

"Or, I can come over and the three of us can catch up on four years." I reply. Paige nods her head and smiles. "How is she?"

"Jasmine is wonderful. We talked just a couple hours ago." She replies and I smell the alcohol on her. "She's, oh she is the cutest! Whenever she has an article published, she buys two copies. One to have, and the other, she cuts out the clipping and glues it to this scrapbook she has. It's the cutest thing ever!"

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