Rain : 3

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November 1st - Monday


How awful,

Jimin thought as droplets of rain hit his cheeks when he left his apartmen. They were cold and fresh and matched the sky above him that was now a navy blue, coating his heart in hues of sapphire that contasted the red on his cheeks.

He ran his fingers through his freshly combed hair and opened the umbrella his mom had bought for him before he moved. He didnt want to risk ruining his very nice black suit that was tighter in the thighs, perfect in all the right places. The blue tie that had complimented it was one he found in the back of his closet. From just looking at him, you would think that Jimin was a young wealthy businessman. But he wasn't.

Well, the wealthy part for sure.

Jimin wasn't necessarily poor. He had enough money to pay his bills and afford the nice apartment he had. His job gave him an above minimum wage paycheck that was able to fuel Jimins addiction of going out and buying things he honestly didn't need, something he happened to be very good at. 

Maybe thats why his money was getting low in the first place. 

Or maybe it was the heater bill.

Jimin walked patiently over to the bus stop, his shoes picking up water and leaving a trail behind him every step that was taken.

He looked down at his phone -that was now coated in specks of rain- to check the time, hoping he wasn't too early.



Jimin sighed looking around. There were no leaves left on trees, stripping them of their color as they were left as frail brown sticks, just waiting to break off into pieces. It wasn't quite cold enough for the little droplets splashing above his head to turn into snow.

Jimin would have rather had snow than rain. Maybe if it were just a little colder, there wouldn't be the risk of wet, cold droplets dripping down his cheeks and leaving an ever so soft print on his suit. 

Snow seemed to be calm, fluttering effortlessly through the air until it landed, barely leaving a mark.

See, Jimin never actually took the time to buy himself a coat, hence the reason why he hated rain getting on his suit. The cold snuck up on him, blending in with the other seasons so quickly he never got the chance to. Even though he stood freezing to death every morning he was at the bus stop, it never occurred to him that he should buy one.


First, it lit up, A bright light emitting from his pocket. Then he could feel it, the vibrations going through his leg making a loud bussing sound. Then he heard it, the ringtone on his phone blaring out.

Jimin stuck his hand in his pocket pulling his phone out. At first, he couldn't see who it was since the light was so bright, his eyes accustomed to all the darkness. Once his eyes adjusted and he saw the name, he smiled.

Taehyung 😂 is calling...

Accept or Decline

Jimin quickly pressed accept and held the phone to his face

"Hello?" He said waiting for a reply.

"Jiminnn." The voice on the other side of the phone said happily, as if the blondes voice was something he loved hearing.

Jimin's smile grew even wider hearing his friend's voice for the first time in months, the two of them so busy to the point where they never had time to talk.

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