Someday : 26

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~It's a long chapter. Prepare yourself. 💓 Word count: 3055 ~

December 5 - Monday



After eating far too much candy, and two entire bowls of popcorn (which the two proceeded to try and catch in their mouths, only Jimin succeeding, Yoongi cursing every time he missed causing Jimin to laugh) in the freezing cold of Jimin's apartment, the movie finally ended.

Jimin rubbed his eyes, the rough fabric of his flannel painful on his sensitive tired eyelids. Jimin looked over towards his cursed cracked windows, realizing he had forgotten to admire the beauty outside of them.

Woah, Jimin thought as he continued to stare.

The sky was a navy blue fading into a dark purple, night slowly consuming it.

Though across the other side of the sky there were faint oranges, yellows, and pinks blending beautifully together, showing where the sun had set. Jimin had to recollect himself as he realized he was holding his breath at the breathtaking sight.

It was like the sun claimed one half while the moon took over the other.

"I feel like I'm friends with a psychopath," Yoongi said yawning -snapping Jimin out of his trance- as he removed his hand from around the blonds slim waist, the warmth of Jimin's body against his slowly disappearing.

Jimin lifted his head off of Yoongi's shoulder and stretched out his legs, the muscles of his thighs and lower legs flexing from being so cramped up in his hand-made fort.

Jimin wasn't sure how he was managing to function once the white-haired man had slipped his slim fingers under the blanket and around his waist soon after he laid his head on his shoulder.


Jimin had noticed that Yoongi subconsciously did a lot of things, which Jimin found to be cute.

At one point when Yoongi's arm was resting lazily on Jimin's shoulder, he started tapping ever so lightly on the blonde's forearm.

At first, Jimin thought the white-haired man was doing it to piss him off, about to yell at him to stop and shove his arm away.

Though when he looked up at Yoongi, the man's full brown eyes were completely engrossed in the screen in front of them, like he was in a whole other world of his own. Jimin wasn't sure if Yoongi was pretending right now, or if he actually had no recognition that his fingers were tapping on the boy beside him.

Eventually, Jimns theory was proved right when Yoongi realized what he was doing, quietly apologizing. That's when he moved his arm down to Jimin's waist, letting the blonde snuggle up close to him so he could be as comfortable as possible.

Not much time had passed until he could feel Yoongi brush his fingers slowly in an up and down motion, the fabric his flannel shirt the only thing in between.

Just as he thought, Yoongi was still too focused on the movie to realize what he was doing.

At one point when Yoongi did notice what he was doing, he made the daring move to slip his oh so cold hands under Jimins shirt to piss him off, forcing his pale icy cold fingers to contact Jimin's soft warm skin.

And oh if the man's hands weren't so damn cold at the moment,

He would have liked it very much.

Instead, Jimin shoved Yoongi's hands away at the sudden coldness making contact with his body, from which he got a glorious golden laugh in return. Though Yoongi removed his hand, he still left it around the boy's waist overtop the flannel, scooting his body ever so close to him.

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