A Step Closer : 51

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so as you guys can tell I decided to spam ❤❤ enjoy!


December 17 - Saturday


Yoongis pov.


"Sup fucker," Yoongi yelled from the front door, the jingling of a doorbell ringing through his best friends apartment, a place that had become so familiar with like it was the back of his own hand.

He always liked it here, the sun seeming to enjoy the presence of the vibrant red-haired man more than most, blessing his apartment with beaming rays that seeped through the windows curtains.

"Jesus Christ, I need to start locking my door." Yoongi heard in a startled voice from the other room, Hoseok thankful it was only Yoongi.

Yoongi laughed to himself, slipping his dulled down shoes off by pressing one heel on the other and vice versa, kicking them to the side despite that he would be putting them back on within minutes.

The white-haired closed door behind him with one hand, his other occupied by a single golden trumpet.


This whole situation was still hard to wrap his head around.

Of course he would do anything for Jimin, even if it meant giving the strange instrument that was always laying around Jimin's apartment in the most inconvenient spots, to Hoseok.

But, that doesn't mean he actually understood it.

Even on his way here while he observed the messy carvings of the initials JJK, JHS, PJM, and KTH into the bell, it was still something he didn't get.

And he knew he never would.

From the very beginning he knew the trumpet that teetered his balance held significance. The ways Jimin's face almost lit up at the sight was too surreal for it to be just a plain old trumpet. He could read it in the fond way Jimin seemed to look after it, his eyes just a bit softer.

Other than to play it - which had been confirmed the moment Jimin told him he didn't know how- and for visual appeal -which he was sure Jimin wasn't aiming for with his apartment looking the way it did- there was no other reason as to why he would have it.

But, it came off as a surprise when he figured out this exact same trumpet probably had the same sentimental value to Hoseok, another piece of this big complicated puzzle fitting together.

Now that he thought about it, it was right in front of his face the whole time.

It was almost too suspicious in the way the trumpet at the music store had caught his whole attention and being just by simply sitting there on a shelf.

It confused his as to why he didn't just buy one if he wanted it so badly.

Though now that he thought about it,

It wasn't any trumpet in particular.

Yoongi felt like he was holding the world in his hand with this simple instrument, each unknown memory to him that was coated over it lacing through his own fingers.

Which, maybe that was what had caught Hoseok's attention.

That whatever memory was linked to it had coated over his thoughts.

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