Beautiful : 22

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November 30 - Wednesday



Finally, Jimin picked up his feet and walked toward the counter, his eyes still on the white-haired man who was currently using the coffee machine to make a drink, his movements mesmerizing to the blonde.

The menu above Jimin was like an expanded version of the one on the door. The handwriting was messy and childish and seemed to flow the exact same way Jungkooks did when he wrote.

That was because It was absolutely terrible.

It was like once Jungkook was taught the alphabet and how to put together sentences, he stopped caring. He already knew how to do it, so making it look nice was just a waste of time. As long as you could read it, that was good enough for him.

That seemed to be his mindset for a lot it things.

Though Jhope thought otherwise.

Everyone in their friend group could wholeheartedly admit that JHope had the best handwriting. It was smooth and flew perfectly in every way; softly and beautifuly.

Like how Tae described Jimin's singing.

The only bad part about it was that having the best and worst writers in the same group for a school project was a nightmare...

"How can you even read that?!"

"It's not that hard, you're just blind."

"I can't tell if that's supposed to be a P or an F, Jungkook."

"That's an R."

"Why can't I just be the writer?"

"Because it was assigned to me. And It's not that bad, you're just dramatic because you write like the queen of England."

"Well sorry I don't want my paper to look like a bomb when off on it."


Jimin only had to read the menu for about a minute before he found what he was looking for, despite how messy it was. His attention was so focused on the menu looking at all of the desserts he could get, that he failed he notice a smirking white-haired man approach the cash register in front him.

Now the tables were turning.

"'Sup cutie, order whenever you're ready."

Jimin whipped his head back down when he heard the low sudden voice in front of him.

Of course

Jimin rolled his eyes, a furious blush forming on his face a he looked back up and continued searching through the menu.

I mean, The Min Yoongi had just called him cute.

It was hard not to.

Jimin looked at the messy menu one last time before he made eye contact with the soft full puppy dog brown eyes once again. Jimin liked his eyes. It was like looking at the sky. They always seemed to be holding something different, differing in colors every time he looked into them. Through they were so very dark and it took Jimin a bit to tell the difference between his pupil and his iris. Hell, if he wasn't in the line of a cute coffee shop taking forever to place an order, he probably would have looked at them longer.

"Just one Caramel Macchiato," Jimin said finally opening his mouth, the bright red blush on his oh so soft and pale cheeks still present.

Yoongi typed away on his computer- the sight making Jimin mentally cringe because he typed with only two of his fingers- before he looked back up, a small grin plastered on his face.

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