Caught : 12

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November 18th - Friday

9:04 am.


Today had marked twelve days since Jimin and the white-haired man first started leaving that damned object at each other's doors. It had become a routine for them. Almost every time he opened up his door, no matter the time of day, or night, he would find the dark red umbrella sitting there. Every time he woke up, he didn't even bother waiting anymore. He knew it was there, so he would go outside his door and place it back, knowing fully well that it would only be back within an hour.

Though today was different.


Jimin woke up, a yawn escaping from his beautifully puffy lips, since he bit and knawed on them so much that they became that way. He sat there, staring out into nothing, his mind in a haze. It wasn't as dark as it normally was since Jimin had gotten the chance to sleep in again. The sun peaked through his broken windows, creating an orange-red color that Jimin would pay an unnecessary amount of money to see every morning when he woke up. Eventually he stepped out of bed, the cold hitting his bare legs. The only thing he had on was his ugly green and red panda sweater that went just below his hips, and a black pair of boxers.

Jimin had no intention of going anywhere and didn't mind the fact that his hair looked like he went through a tornado. The light layer of snow on the ground made the air cold and Jimin didn't want to have to change from his comfortably ugly sweater. It was the only thing other than his brand new coat that actually kept him warm, which created a huge gap in the money he used to spend on his overpriced mini heater.

He didn't bother putting actual pants on, because he was only stepping outside his apartment to bring back the umbrella that was clearly unwanted by the both of them. He would only be out there for a split second. It's not like anyone would see him...



Jimin slowly opened his apartment door, looking around to see if anyone was around, ignoring the dark red object at his feet. There was no one there, making it so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

He stepped out of his apartment and bent down taking the umbrella into his hands. He looked around again, double- triple checking to make sure nobody was there. There was no harm in being too cautious in Jimin's opinion.

He left his apartment door open as he walked across the hallway to the room he had been met with far too many times to count. Number 117. He blew a tuff of his disastrous blond hair out of his face before he set the umbrella down.

"SHit!" Was the harsh word that was ripped from his mouth as he heard the door in front of him slowly open. He clenched his eyes shut hard, hoping that if he kept them closed long enough he would wake up from this horrid dream.

That he would be laying in his bed and that this wasn't actually happening...

It was.

He opened his eyes and was met with brown ones. Dark brown ones to be exact. Hell, Jimin was positive hed never seen anything like them.

They were so dark it caught him off guard.

The color of his iris blended perfectly in with his pupils that made them look bigger than they really were. Jimin usually never cared enough to pay attention to the small details in people, let alone people in general, but at this moment, he was actually glad he had.

The Dark Red Umbrella • YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now