Karma pt. 2 : 52

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• warning, this chapter gets a bit spicy ⚠ (not to the extent of smut)

okay that's all ❤


December 17 - Saturday



Jimin had always been afraid of losing things.

Even as he sat in Yoongi's homelike, vanilla glazed apartment that had become his favorite scent by far, It still was still there, nipping at him like the icy snow that would sneak through the gaps in his fingers every time it got the chance.

Well, it hadn't always been there.

It had only begun recently when his days seemed a little more like sunshine and the feelings in his body laced themselves in honey rather than empty sorrow.

It was when happiness in the form of late nights and quiet bickers and lightly brushing thighs from the bench he currently sat on, actually became a part of his daily routine, that he became afraid of losing something.

And this was a feeling Jimin wasn't completely accustomed to. All of his days for the past four years had been spent in complete isolation, forcing his body to adapt to the absence of emotions he felt.

The only ones he could fall back on were the ones the sky had given him, when it had turned into slightly more than just weather.

Unless of course you were talking about shitty bosses and meetings with co-workers that made him want to throw himself off of a bridge. Irritation was very much still alive.

But in all honesty.

It scared him.

Just like heartbreak, it had never exactly hit Jimin because it never got the chance to. It's not that he was opposed to the idea of falling in love. If he was, his current situation of fruit-eating and piano playing in an apartment that was clearly not his own, wouldn't exactly make sense.

It was just that he never really had any opportunities to give it the chance.

Until now.

And not only was heartbreak a very realistic option and possibility for the first time in his life.

So was loss.

It terrified him

It downright scared the ever living shit out of him never being able to share euphoric coated memories in this cozy warm apartment that sent a bubbly feeling across his skin, again.

That looking out into the world that managed to fit city lights into the pocket of Min Yoongi's window that unfairly seemed far more exceptionally beautiful when looking at it through a different lens, was no longer an option.

Every small feeling of happiness and irritation, every blush and head shake that possessed his smaller frame while spending time with Yoongi would be gone.

And he hated the fact that his main source of radiant laughter happened to originate from a white-haired man that currently rolled his eyes and laughed every time Jimin played the incorrect chord because he just had to get it right.

But he was.

Everything about him made Jimin's world so much better.

The blanket that draped around him like a cloak of comfort and the warm bubbling in his stomach he felt each time he took a sip of a caramel macciatto was barely the surface of shit that only proved he had so much to lose.

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