Gloomy : 65

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(wow. it has been. a long time. 4 months actually. im sorry for dipping off the face of the earth. but, heres a chapter for the couple people who still read this :)

Also, this chapter decreases in quality as it goes on and is not edited very well. Just a warning 😂❤️


December 31 - Saturday



It felt like it was raining. It wasn't, but the imposter white flakes that mimicked the look of wet drops made it seem as if it was, melting on the surface of concrete and leaving a glass-like sheet.

And of course on days that felt gloomier than most, the sky a dark, unwelcoming blue, Park Jimin liked to spend them in Min Yoongi's apartment. He liked to say the only reason he went over there was because the breathtaking view in front of him always appeared more surreal outside the white-haired man's windows. But, as two cups of hot cocoa sitting in cheap snowflake mugs rested on the nightstand next to them, he didn't really have an excuse anymore, his own windows as equally clear and beautiful.

He liked looking at the sight as large pale hands brushed through and combed his hair, a purple blow-dryer whirling around his wet, recently washed locks. Something about him not being the only one feeling the impact of this darkened sky, that someone else was beside him taking it in too made his heart swell. Especially since it happened to be Min Yoongi whos tired eyes and unmade hair made it evident that being awake at the moment wasn't something he'd prefer over his sleep. But as he said many times, Park Jimin happened to be something he didn't mind losing sleep over.

"Are you cold?" Yoongi questioned from behind Jimin, a yawn slipping through the end of his sentence. Jimin's eyes were closed as he let the bliss of his hair being brushed flow through him while listening to the soothing sound of Yoongi's gravelly tired voice each time he occasionally talked.

"No, I'm okay." Jimin hummed quietly, his hands gripping around the bright blue blanket that had officially become his favorite each time he came over. He liked to wear it like a cape, noticing as the end draped and flew behind him like a veil while Yoongi laughed and watched in amusement, stars of admiration coating over his eyes.

"Hey, umbrella man?"

"Mhm?" Yoongi responded with a hum, his hands moving like magic on command. Jimin shifted his position in the small wheelie chair he sat in, his mind wandering off.

"Have you ever had something you've really wanted to do?" Jimin questioned softly, blonde locks of hair brushing over his eyes and blowing across his forehead.

"Hmm.." was the only thing that escaped the man's mouth, silence overtaking them once again.

Jimin always talked about dancing. About performing in front of extravagantly bright crowds with hundreds of cheers and the endless nights of practice he would lose sleep over. But, he never heard about the things Yoongi wanted to do. His dream; the thing that kept him awake at night and caused anxiety to consume him. Not that the man would be as panicked or strong-hearted about something that Jimin was about dancing. But he was curious if there was anything underneath the man's silence of listening as he talked about his own dreams.

"I think writing is cool." Yoongi finally stated between a yawn, his words stringing out flatly as he rubbed across his eyes. His voice was tired and gravelly, almost as if Jimin had caught him at any other time than this he might not get an answer such as this.

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