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i love this.

please give this a little love because ive never been so happy with the way the vibe turned out :)


December 19 - Monday



"You piece of shit." Came from a tired, yet visibly irritated Jungkook. He was bundled up in a bright blue coat, his phone in hand as he approached Jimin and Yoongi who had been silently seated at a bench for somewhere around thirty minutes.

Jimin watched as people shuffled in and out of the airport, muffled conversations and quiet hushes sounded around them.

It was so empty, the awkward time between night and day throwing Jimin off because it should be packed, bags everywhere and people shuffling through to make it on time.

But, it wasn't.

The sky peeking outside the large glass window was dark and gray as if a thick mellow fog coated over the air. It was soft and fuzzy like static covered thoughts collecting so peacefully yet so chaotically over closed eyes, hoping that maybe sleep would just overtake soon. It seemed as if the sky became exhausted from trying so hard too sometimes. And somehow, Jimin could feel it in the out of place phone calls and food stands that prepared people for their long overbearing flights.

Only Jimin and the white-haired man whos fingers softly interlocked with his own smaller ones, weren't the ones flying.

Jimin's head rested on Yoongi's shoulder, his hair flopping messily into the crook of the man's neck that was still bruised from the days before, a content smile plastered to his face. He felt so warm as they waited for a familiar crazy brunette to board off of a plane. He would assume Taehyung was just as tired as Yoongi who could hardly keep his eyes open, despite the disgustingly sweet smelling latte that he held with his free hand.

It had been quiet for the entirety of the morning it took them to get there, even now, the two of them too exhausted to do anything more than enjoy each other's company.

Something they did quite well and often.

There was something about the others mere presence that wasn't comparable to anything else. Intense was the word Jimin would like to call it, though it didn't quite hit the spot with how calm his heart was right now.

Maybe not exactly bold and forward like the warm sunny days that took over summer and stretched out the hours. But something along the lines of delicate hot cocoa and laughs or a blanket with a blowdryer on a rainy day, that just seemed to make everything evidently better.

Not perfect, no.

But enough to make you forget about the rain.

Enough to the point where you know, there's rain, but maybe you just so happen to not care that it's there.

And that's how he felt at the moment, something he had a lot lately.

Well, that was until Jungkook arrived.

And boy was he pissed.


"I feel like I expected nothing less," Yoongi said with a tired gravelly laugh, fixing the black beany that rested atop his head, a similar looking pink one sitting on the blondes whos ears perked up at the sight of Jungkook.

It was another new day, and there was something about still seeing jungkook even after two days of waking up each morning, that baffled his mind and sent a warm feeling through his body.

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