Number : 20

2.7K 275 97

November 26 - Saturday



For the second time during their silly umbrella rivalry, loud pounding echoed throughout Jimin's apartment coming from nobody other than Min Yoongi.

Thankfully he hadnt quite fallen asleep yet, the sky so blue and full that Jimin has spent a solid ten minutes looking out the window observing the wonderous sight that never failed to take his breath.

Jimin already knew it was Yoongi, hopefully to bring the umbrella along with a note. It was someting he actually looked forward to. 

Though he would never tell him that.

As Jimin hopped off the side of his bed and tiptoed too his door, he opened it to find he was correct, the dark red object laying peacefully on the floor.

Though the note that was sent aong with the umbrella this time was different. It was a bright pink sticky note, with ten numbers on it. 


A phone number? Jimin questioned to himself, as he steped back into his apartment- not before placing the umbrella back in front of Yoongi's door- the door softly closing behind him, his full attention on the sticky note from Yoongi. 

What confused Jimin the most was that there was no message on it or anything, just the ten simple letters.

He pulled his phone out  and went to his text messages. The most recent thing on there from Taehyung when he told the blonde about his discovery of the snow.

Jimin never texted people very often, so it was odd for him to type in the number and start a conversation. He would call the number just to see, but in case it was Yoongi after all, he wanted to avoid the potential awkwardness of a conversation he'd rather not have so late at night.


Delivered just now

He turned off his phone and put it into his back pocket. He thought about doing something productive as he waited for a text. He looked out his window for a moment, looking out at the only part of the city that he could see from this view.

Going outside was a no go. 

No matter how badly he wanted to go out there and feel the icy cold against his far too warm skin and stare up at the sky, he knew he would only come right back inside. It was too cold out there, being that it was almost midnight, even for him who had grown so very accustomed to it that he didnt really feel the pain anymore. He was so used to it that it no longer affected him.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and he reached in with a surprised look on his face.

Yoongi couldn't have possibly responded this quickly.


Unknown Number:
yea, whos this?

read just now

Jimins eyes grew wide in surprise. So it was a phone number afer all? 

He thought for a moment as he debated what he should reply. Jimin decided to play with the man, something he enjoyed doing. He knew the man was always in a soft and happy mood, but this was one of the things Yoongi couldnt stand.

Your worst nightmare.

Unknown Number:

read just now

Jimin laughed to himself as he read Yoongis responce, almost dropping his phone. He looked back at the screen, his smile failing to fade as he typed his reply.

Wow, your worst nightmare huh?

Unknown Number:
oh was i right?

Ouch, im I that much of a burden that you guess me first?

Unknown Number: 
if only u knew 🙄

You literally leave the umbrella at my door and then pound on it as hard as you can.

If anyone's a burden it's you

Unknown Number:
I bought u coffee tho 😉

That's not the point umbrella man.
Theres this thing called sleep and you disturb me from it. 

Unknown Number:
as if u ever go to sleep anyway

read just now ✔

Jimin laughed to himself again. Jimin wasn't one who enjoyed texting. In fact, hed rather have a face to face conversation than continously keep having to type on his phone. It was eaier for him to get emotionally involved- which nevrr really happened anyway- if he could hear the person's voice.

Though his this was different for him.

It had been a long time since he actually laughed while texting someone. He remembered once when taehyung decided to send him a meme about staying up late, that he just couldnt stop laughing, the loud giggles escaping from his mouth as he almost fell over.

It seemed as though everyone was aware of his unhealthy sleeping habits but him.

Unknown Number: 
mayb if u just accepted it u'd be able to "sleep" peacefully

Unknown Number: 
n i wouldnt have to keep setting an alarm to wake up at ungoldy times just to bother u

Unknown Number: 
c? its a win/win jiminnie

Chim Chim?

Unknown Number
"yea, i think it suits u well."

You little shit

Unknown Number: 
i see u still havent found that sense of humor

And I see you still have the fucking umbrella.


Won't change either becuase I'll never take it now .

Unknown Number: 
as if you were ever going to take it in the first place

read at 1:02am. ✔

Jimin has changed 'Unknown Number's contact name to 'Umbrella Man'

Oof life is so fucking busy rn good Lord

Thank you all for 8k💞💞😊


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