Let Go : 53

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im very very pleased with this chapter and loved writing it so much. it just has a nice vibe, so i hope u guys enjoy ❤


December 18 - Sunday

2:06 am


Jimin was wide awake.

He was so alive as stars stared straight back at him with wonder, the room in which he laid illuminated only by a single glowing lamp.

Though now that he thought about it, that should have been the very reason that he would be sleeping right now, the soothing presence of night swallowing everything into a cool silence. His body fell and rose, his heart mimicking the motion with its own thump every few moments.

Though it was much faster than Min Yoongi's.

Jimin would have expected him to be asleep at how distant his heart seemed to be, slow and removed from his very own body. But, the hand that soothingly ran through his hair, dancing through each lock reminded him that he was very much there.

And, it made Jimin simmer in guilt as he watched the way Yoongi's eyes would flutter closed, heavy with exhaust as his hand slowed its comforting motion, only to pick up once again as his eyes blinked back open.

And this would repeat. Continuously.

Jimin was practically nocturnal, lying awake at night, letting each little thought and feeling swell in his body in the worst possible ways. He lived off of caramel macchiatos and very few hours of rest yet still managed to place highest on the excellence level at his job, despite how much his effort had dipped recently.

And he hated the fact that just because of this meaningless, common occurrence of his terrible sleep schedule - slightly worse than Yoongi's- was coincidently witnessed by Yoongi for the first time, he felt the need to stay awake too.

It's not that he had a specific reason other than the fact that he could run his long slim fingers through the blonde boy's hair.

Well, he did have one, not a logical one in Jimin's opinion. But since when did they care if the other thought something they did was reasonable.

And the fact that Jimin wasn't experiencing the wonderful feeling of being able to completely let go of your body and not have to think for once, was enough of a reason for him to stay awake too.

Jimin's head laid on Yoongi's stomach, his gaze fixed upon the ceiling that resembled the one in his own apartment in the slightest ways.

He had a bit too much time on his hands at the moment. And, now that he had the chance, Yoongi so very tired he probably wouldn't even be listening, Jimin wanted to let it go. He wanted to speak each and every little thing that came to mind, even if it held no relevance.

So badly to the point that his body ached and his thoughts almost emptied themselves out his mouth on impulse.

He never did it at night, leaving it festering at his mind and eating away at his body. This was the first time he ever had the chance to.

If only the moon would appear on days he wanted it to. Then maybe he wouldn't have to burden this mess of shit he couldn't grasp, onto Min Yoongi who had an abundance of problems of his own to deal with.

But, it was late, and by the looks of his lightly glowing cheeks and closed eyes, lashes brushing down to his lower lid, he was too tired to care. It was just like the night Jimin had called him, his voice groggy and exhausted, every fiber in his body wishing to let sleep collapse over him. But, once again, he stayed up for the blonde boy next to him who never seemed to find pleasure in sleep like he did.

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