Chapter 8

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Skylynn's POV

We sat at the park silently, Zoey swinging gently on the swings. No one was around, everyone at the stupid cupid day carnival. I could and would never understand what Jessa had against me. Sure, Will and I talked occasionally and he brought me coffee but it was nothing more.

She was worried I was better than her. She had to compete for everything she wanted and the second anyone got in her way, all she saw was red. She was insecure, just as much as I was. I didn't know her situation outside the school and she didn't know mine.

Except I didn't go around making up rumors. I watched Zoey, her smile brightening as her stomach obviously calmed.

"Sky! Come swing with me," She called.

I smiled softly, shaking my head. "Im thinking Zoey. I'll join you soon," I sighed.

She frowned, her smile dropping. I immediately gave in, sitting on the swing beside her. How had my life changed so much in the last two days? The best part was Daves inability to touch me. Of course, he could find time to but he hadn't.

Not even his tight grips on my wrist or the shoves he'd give me after sending me to my room.

"I can go higher," I challenged, swinging my feet harshly.

Zoey giggled, shaking her head frantically. "No! I can," she said competitively, swinging herself higher.

I continued to catch the wind under my legs and my body got higher as I did. Zoey watched me, her swing also gaining height. "Be careful Zoey. I don't need you falling off either," I said as my swing became lower.

She too calmed her swinging motion. "I like your date, not date. He's nice," she said with a smile.

"Me too," I replied truthfully. He was nice.


We arrived back at the carnival by lunchtime. I decided to take Zoey to play some games and do the Ferris wheel before lunch so her stomach would feel okay after. We headed for the basketball hoops first. I paid the man on the stall, Mr. Burns.

He looked down at Zoey then back at me with a suspicious look on his face. So even the teachers had heard the latest rumor. "Mr. Burns. She's my sister, not my daughter," I clarified.

He immediately stood up straighter. "I know Skylynn. I didn't expect anything different," he said, the game beginning.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, he did. I started the timer, throwing the basketballs in the hoop. I continued over and over my momentum great. Zoey watched her innocent laugh behind me. I finished the game with 708 points.

Mr. Burns grabbed my prize. A small soft toy, perfect for Zoey's height. She took it from my hands with a smile and hugged it to her chest.

We then paid for Zoey to play the bottle throwing game. I handed one of the students my coins, he smiled back. I noticed as I watched her throw her first marble that the boy running the stand was Matt, Will's friend.

"Hey! You're the one who got me wasted at Jessa's!" I accused teasingly. "Nice outfit," I motioned towards his cupids outfit.

Matt laughed. "I'm pretty sure you got wasted on your own Skylynn. How are you? Is this your-"

"Sister," I finished for him. "I cannot wait until the day people forget about this rumor. It's getting on every last nerve of mine. I swear the next time someone says it I will-"

"Hit them? I had already planned to do it myself," Will said as he stood beside me, my roses in his hands. I smiled softly. "The entire time you were gone all I heard were whispers and I'm sick of it," he snapped, handing me the roses.

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