Chapter 20

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Skylynn's POV

I drove to Will's house early the next morning. It was my last day of suspension and I wanted to see him before we rejoined the hellhole. Rephrase that, before I rejoined the hellhole. He was never suspended.

I pulled into his driveway and stared at his house. It was amazing. I frowned softly when I thought about ours. How we would soon leave our house and Dave could get the help he needed.

I climbed out and locked the door. I made my way to the front porch and knocked three times. I could hear someone yell 'you get it' and a small girl opened the door. It can't have been Will's Mom. I assumed it was Emily.

She smiled widely. "Hi," she said softly,

The poor girl was stunned. She looked at me like I was a superstar standing in her doorway. "Hi. You must be Emily?" I asked. She nodded frantically. "I'm Skylynn, your brother's friend," I introduced myself. Friend. The word made me sick.

She held her hand out and I shook it gently. She kept her eyes on me and her smile only grew. "William went to school a little while ago," she admitted. I frowned. He had ditched our final day of freedom.

"Oh! Thats alright," I said cheerfully. She smiled. "Did you want to come inside?" She asked.

I peered inside and noticed Will's father and his Mom. "Don't tell your brother," I teased. She nodded, holding the door open for me. His house was giant. I followed Emily into the kitchen where her Mom was cooking breakfast.

She smiled at me. "Hello," she said happily.

"Hi!" I said back. I wasn't sure if she knew who I was. "Oh! I'm Skylynn, I know William," I shook her hand. She smiled even wider, just as Emily had.

She nodded gently. "I know. Did you want some pancakes? I've cooked far too many," she offered.

I smiled. "Thanks, Mrs. Morales but I'm not hungry," I said politely. She nodded and handed a plateful to Emily. "Umm, is William around? I thought he'd be he-"

"I know he's been off the past two days. He told me he was going to some girls house and disappeared for a few days," she chuckled. I smiled guiltily. "That girl is me," I shrugged.

"He's gone to school today despite putting up an argument. Your principal called and said he's been away too long and he needed to be in," she said.

I nodded. I watched as Emily dug into her pancakes. I had a thought pop in my head.

"Mrs. Morales. Would I be able to take Emily out for the day?" I asked.

His mom looked at me shocked. Emily looked up at the mention of her name and grinned wider. "I don't see why not. You don't have to do that Skylynn," She said.

I smiled. "I want to. She seems like a nice girl,"

Will's Mom smiled and motioned for Emily to go change. She grabbed a pancake and took it with her upstairs. His Mom called out something about 'dressing warmly' and I instantly snuggled into my fury jacket.

The temperature was cooling down.

His father appeared beside Will's Mom and smiled at me. "Hello. I'm Patty," He said kindly. I smiled and shook his hand. "Skylynn,"

He too looked at me funny. Why did this entire family look at me like I had leftover jam on my face from my toast this morning or like my mascara had run down my face? I wanted to ask but I wasn't sure if it was polite. I asked anyway.

I chuckled. "Why're you looking at me like that?" I asked quietly.

Mrs. Morales smiled. "We've heard a lot about you. Or possibly you. Will's never mentioned a name,"

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