Chapter 27

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Skylynn's POV.

What could go wrong? Well, Skylynn. Everything. Everything could go wrong.

We arrived at the paintball arena as the sun set and it was darkening. I questioned my willingness to come out tonight and if I had known we would be shooting each other with paintballs in the pitch black darkness in a scary forest setting, I would've snuggled up in the comfort of my own bed with my one and true love. Netflix.

But here we were, getting suited up with the bare minimum of light on the very edge of the arena. I pulled the vest over my chest, mumbling curse words to my self. Willa was sharing the same horror as I was while our team captains, Will and Shane chose their players.

I rested my head on Willa's shoulder. "What if I disappeared to the toilet and return when the games over? Would anyone find me?"

Willa laughed, clipping the suit around my back. "I would and I'm pretty sure Will would too. I'd hate to think what would happen if we let him find you, in the bathroom, alone," she teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Very funny. Why did I agree to this?"

"Because you have feelings for the handsome guy who asked you. He's practically asking you on a date except with his friends because he's too scared to take you out alone. I think its pretty cute," She rushed.

She had a wild imagination. And a correct description of why I agreed to this. I have feelings for Will and any chance I get to hang out with him I will say yes.

I folded my arms over my chest and waited silently, the crickets chirping in the long grass. It was cold, insanely cold with the night air flowing in from the arena. We were preparing our game in a wooden hut in the middle of the forest.

If there were no boundaries, I'd hate to think where Jason would end up. The long car ride sobered him up a bit but if we hadn't left the alcohol at Matt's he would be a goner.

"Team Will or Team Shan? One is your best friend and the other has a major crush on you so who's it gonna be?" Jason asked, standing beside me.

I shrugged. "Whoever chooses me. I'm not making the decisions here,"

A major crush on me. Even though I pretty much knew that it still caused my stomach to summersault.

Jason gave me a pointed look. "What was that for?" I asked, raising my eyebrow in confusion. He ignored my comment. "I thought it would just be the six of us. Who are these people?" I asked. There was no point pushing him to talk when he was wasted.

"A few classmates. He's book the arena out until midnight when they shut. Did you really think the six of us could play for 4 hours and not get bored?"

I shook my head.

"At least we have more players so we can play a few rounds. By midnight, your body will feel like it's been battered and sucked lifeless by the demons hiding in the forest. You too Willow," He said in a low voice as he walked away.

I groaned. "It's Willa. Take Will and A and you have Willa. It's not that hard, dumbass," I called after him, Willa's smile plastered on her lips. "What?"

"Your favourite name combined with mine. I bet you love saying it?" She teased.

I sighed. "Willa, stop," I blushed.

"Will-a stop. Will-a this. Will-a that. Will please marry me. I love you so much" she mocked in a high pitched voice.

"I'm going to strangle you Will-"

"Woah! Kinky," She interrupted, covering my mouth with her hand before the 'a' in Willa ended. I rolled my eyes, turning as Shane and Will arrived with their teams on paper.

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