Chapter 7

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Skylynns POV

I met with Shane at lunch, sitting at our regular table. Tomorrow was the most extra day at school that could ever exist. Cupids day aka another valentines day thats not on valentines day. Aka another day girls can show off about who buys them a rose or how amazing their boyfriends were.

Shane was always my rose-giver. He sent me one every year as did I with him. This year was different. Willa was in his eyes now and she would be his rose receiver. I guess I'd have to suffice for none.

"So Zoey's with you permanently?" He asked, breaking me from my trance.

I nodded. "Until Dad's released and he can find a place for her to live. I don't know how Josephs plan of kidnapping me once he finishes his degree is going to work now. I cant leave Zo alone with Mom and Dave. Shes not related to either of them biologically and she only talks to me," I sighed. "Did you hear the latest fucked up rumor? Skylynn adopts a child to make everyone think she has a kind heart,"

Shane rolled his eyes, diverting them from my face to behind me quickly. "Fuck the rumors Sky, we all know who makes them up and anyone who believes them is just as bad as her,"

I nodded. "I suppose,"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to find Will. He smiled as he stood above me, three coffee cups in his hands. He placed one in front of Shane then held mine out to me. "One shot latte with a caramel shot. Just how you like it," he grinned.

I raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Why are you being so nice? What did you do?" I asked.

He shrugged. "No reason. Can I talk to you outside?"

He watched Shane, his face blank. Shanes mood rose as Willa entered the cafeteria. I knew he wouldn't mind being alone now. He nodded, my seat being replaced by Willa when I stood up. I smiled at her and said a quick farewell.

I followed Will outside, falling into step with him. The sun shone on my skin and the field was full of students willing to soak up at all the sunlight in today's weather.

We found a spot on a small bench underneath a tree and Will sat down first. I stood in front of him, my arms folded across my chest. What did he want? Why did he want it?

"Are you coming to the cupids day carnival tomorrow?" He asked suddenly.

I shrugged. "I didn't think you'd be someone interested in me, I mean I am only a tad bit better than Jessa aren't I?" I teased.

He smirked, grabbing my waist and allowing me to sit beside him. "These rumours. Thats what I wanted to discuss. Did Jessa really mean what she said about, you know, your fathers in jail and your Mom's a-"

"No, my Mom's not a whore Will! She's settled. I don't approve of her choice but she's not a whore at all. The child is my Dads and yes he's in jail. Thats as much as you're getting from me," I snapped. "Why the hell do you care?"

He grabbed my wrist immediately before I had the chance to leave. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you Sky," he said softly. "I knew these rumours weren't true, I just wanted to clear it up,"

I shook my head, pulling myself together. These rumours weren't about to make me cry. I was stronger than that. "So the cupids day carnival? You're asking me?"

"Uh, yeah?" He said dumbfounded.

I smirked, an idea popping into my head. "Like a date? You're asking me on a date?"

He rolled his eyes, his hand snaking around my waist playfully. "What kind of guy would I be if I brought you coffee, smashed up your car and asked you on a date? Thats not how players work," He smirked.

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