Chapter 43

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Wills POV

I sat beside Willa and Jason during gym class, watching the first group of students play an intense game of Dodgeball. My eyes were glued to one girl, my girlfriend Skylynn. For someone who experienced something new early this morning, she was handling the uncomfort well.

She was on Jessa's team, and surprisingly Jessa had no fear for her child during the game. She did hold onto her sides protectively when a ball came for her but she played it off like she was scared for her own safety.

Sam, on the other hand, still believed it was Sky who was pregnant. She purposely threw the ball in attempts to hit her.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Willa muttered, resting her elbows on her lap as she watched.

Sky dodged the ball, raising an eyebrow at Sam. She knew what was going on, she wasn't dumb. I noticed how closely she stayed to Jessa, ready to take the hit if it was aimed at her. Jessa begged not to play but Mr Burns denied her request.

"Who? Sky? She looks like she's enjoying this," Jason said, smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing wrong with Sky you fucktard! She means Sam," I defended.

Willa nodded. "And Sky hates dodgeball,"

Jason shrugged, resting against the wall as he watched her. I noticed his eyes scan her body in her short shorts and a tank top. It amazed me that my own friend was checking out my girlfriend. My girlfriend who lost her virginity last night to someone who wasn't Jason.

"If you don't look somewhere other than my girlfriend's ass, I will fuck your face up," I muttered.

He laughed, shaking his head. "Relax, she's got a nice ass. It doesn't mean I'm going to go after her," he defended.

I watched the game, ignoring Jason's comment. She looked amazing in her outfit, something I never would've noticed before I started to fall for her.

Sam threw the ball towards Jessa but Skylynn quickly defended her, catching the ball.

"Would you stop fucking aiming for her?" She yelled, her hand reaching behind her to move Jessa back.

Mr Burns raised an eyebrow. "Watch your language Skylynn!"

She ignored him, aiming for Sam aggressively. I hate to say it, but her aim wasn't the best. She missed by a longshot and groaned in frustrating.

Willa let out a small huh, watching Skylynn intensely. "Somethings off with her," She commented.

I smirked discreetly, diverting my eyes. She was off, but I wasn't going to tell them why.

The game continued until numbers reduced extremely. Skylynn had spent the majority of the game defending Jessa while Matt was trying to look after both of them. There was a difference between Jason and Matt.

Jason was flirty, he wanted any girl he could fuck. Matt looked after girls because he cared.

Sam threw the ball towards Skylynn, knocking her in the hip. She smirked victoriously, dusting her hands off. Skylynn refused to leave the court, continuing to stand by Jessa.

"Sir! I hit her! Shes out," Sam called loudly, bring Mr Burns attention back to the game. He looked confused. "I just hit Skylynn in the stomach, that means she's out," she continued to protest.

Skylynn rolled her eyes. "I think I'd feel a hit to the stomach, especially under my circumstances," She defended, standing her ground.

Jessa rubbed Skylynn's back gently, whispering something to her. She shook her head, watching Mr Burns.

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